• @rtxn
    3210 months ago

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful blue star… that fell to pestilence, and rotted inside and out. The more its people clung to life, the more they suffered. Until they cursed not the illness, but their fellow corrupted. Those who lived and festered, those who died and decayed… And the very last of them wished they had never been born at all.

    In a faraway place, a brilliant star eradicated disease… before destroying the selfsame lives it had saved. Its people sought ever greater freedoms no matter the cost. They tried to buy peace with fire and steel. And when one asked, “What is the point?” there were none left to answer.

    Farther still existed a star without strife, where none remembered life’s trials, or its joys. What its people had gained from ease, they lost to apathy. So they created the kindest, most gentle of beasts. Its steps were light, and its gift was as painless as it was beautiful. Bathed in its golden glow, they all slept happily ever after…

    Then there’s this fucking shithole called Earth…

    • @neonred
      9 months ago

      When a “star” is actually a planet… I don’t know if this is a quote but it hurt to read. Sorry to shitpost.

      On content: Earth does read as the best of the four options

      • @rtxn
        210 months ago

        It’s a Final Fantasy XIV thing. Stars are called suns, and planets are called stars. This narration happens near the end of the Endwalker expansion and a ten-year-long story arc, and I won’t say more because spoilers.

        • @neonred
          19 months ago

          Uff, okay. So that was a quote? I assume there is a reason they did this (from my perspective bad) relabeling. (From my perspective bad because FF is often played by a younger audience and they are at risk to learn the terminomolgy wrong and keep that for their whole life. causing potential misunderstandings and embarrassings)

          • @rtxn
            9 months ago

            If a kid learns these words from a video game with dragons, magic, and fluffy moogles flying everywhere, it’s really a failure of education and parenting that the kid wasn’t taught the basics of science and the difference between reality and fiction, and if they aren’t old enough to have been taught such things, they have no business playing FFXIV.