Is there anyway to “upscale” old 640-480 games?

Right now you either get a tiny box you can’t see or a pixelated mess.

  • LucasWaffyWaf
    9 months ago

    It’d probably depend on the game, but see if there’s any source ports for the games in question. DSDA Doom, for example, adds modern wide-screen support to classic Doom and has heaps of fantastic options for different compatibility levels for different custom map sets. GZDoom is also an option if you want gameplay mods (shame it’s so inefficient lol).

    You can also see if there’s any wide-screen patches for your games on the PC gaming wiki.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      I remember back in the day linking 3 computers together, each running a copy of Doom, to get a pseudo VR type setup where the two computers on the sides showed a left and right view of your perspective.

      Was a bitch to setup back in the CRT days, and we only did it once, but it was pretty cool. I’m sure a modern computer could handle that on its own now, but I have no idea how you’d set that up software wise.