• @alekwithak
        10 months ago

        Cool source (the second one, the first one fucking sucks I hate it 😁). According to it all mammals have canines, even and especially herbivores. The sabre-tooth water deer for example, cited in your source, has extremely pronounced canines. Still a herbivore. Next!

        Downvote if you can’t refute!

        • @SkyezOpen
          1210 months ago

          I didn’t even take a stance on what the teeth mean for diet. I was just correcting you lol.

          • @alekwithak
            10 months ago

            I mean the source you provided literally says the bottom canines are less pointy and pronounced than the top set, especially in humans, so I don’t feel very corrected? You keep at it though, I believe in you!

            • @SkyezOpen
              810 months ago

              Less pointy != not pointy but go off bb.

              • @alekwithak
                -810 months ago

                Go rip some fresh animal flesh straight off the bone with those pointy bad boys then, bb.

                • Rustmilian
                  010 months ago

                  I can do that with my front teeth, they’re like blades…

            • @[email protected]
              610 months ago

              says the bottom canines

              The bottom what? Bottom canines? So you’re arguing they’re not what they are literally called?

                • Rustmilian
                  10 months ago

                  Canines are literally omnivores

                  Oh my God!! 😱 It’s almost like humans are omnivores too 😱, who could’ve guessed?

              • @alekwithak
                -810 months ago

                And how, pray tell, does the name ‘canines’ factor into your argument? I’m dying to know.

                  • @alekwithak
                    -710 months ago

                    What’s my argument? What are the flaws?? I’m listening.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          the fact that I can digest meat at all suggests that I am an omnivore

          it is wonderful that you are vegan but please shut the fuck up trying to pretend that it is humanity’s natural state

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              Cannot help but notice that that paragraph does not contain the word “omnivore” anywhere except the first sentence.

              The fact that the human body is not especially well suited to killing prey with its bare hands and tearing flesh off of bones is more indicative of tool use and the fact that we cook our food than anything else, and even if it weren’t, herbivores get sick when they eat meat. Carnivores get sick when they eat plants. Humans get sick from neither; therefore, definitionally, we are omnivores.

              I do agree that the state of factory farming is apalling. I can also imagine futures in which factory farming does not exist besides the one where no human eats meat ever again.

              i’m not gonna say it again. i applaud your decision to go vegan, but please, for the love of everything you hold sacred, stop pretending your choice is the only correct one. You say you can live and let live. Demonstrate this please.

          • @alekwithak
            -810 months ago

            Flat teeth, ate meat.

            Panda: sharp teeth, eats plants.

            Almost like your argument falls apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny. Anyway

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              My argument? OP’s argument was that people not having “carnivore teeth” means people shouldn’t eat meat.

              I see you agree that that is a nonsense argument.

              • @alekwithak
                -410 months ago

                OP didn’t make an argument, OP posted a meme poking fun at people who unironically say things like that. In response the OP of this particular thread unironically said something like that. I’m just having a good time.

                • @[email protected]
                  510 months ago

                  OP posted a meme poking fun at people who unironically say things like that.

                  Who is saying that? Maybe OP should be posting this in response to them, not somewhere unrelated with no context.

                  If OP isn’t making an argument then this is the definition of a Strawman: OP created an argument to disprove with their meme.

                  • @alekwithak
                    -210 months ago

                    Dude if I had a nickel for every dumb prick who pointed at their little bitty canines and said some variation of “see, we have sharp teeth, we’re carnivores” I’d have a lot of nickels.

                    OP didn’t create this argument. The world is full of things that have nothing to do with you. Instead of getting bent out of shape about it you can just move along. You don’t get the reference? Keep scrolling, it’s not for you.

      • @alekwithak
        -910 months ago

        You guys are so funny! Okay so FOUR semi-pointy teeth absolutely makes us omnivores I CANNOT believe what an idiot I’ve been!

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          i didnt know teeth was the only factor in if you are carnivore or omnivore or whatever. i thought it was the fact that humans have eaten both meat and plants for as long as humans have been around

          • @alekwithak
            -310 months ago

            Ok that I whole heartedly agree.