I bet you couldn’t tell we have pets.

  • Flying SquidOPM
    279 months ago

    Charlie (extremely stupid) and Ghost (slightly less extremely stupid). It looks like they are friends. They are not. Well… Charlie likes Ghost, it’s just not reciprocated.

    • IninewCrow
      79 months ago

      They sound like the Star Trek / Star Wars fandoms.

      Regardless, they both look like good friends to have.

      May they live long and prosper and may the force be with them.

    • @Lommy
      69 months ago

      Their cuteness makes up for the (alledged) stupidity in my opinion. The hair struggle is real.

      • Flying SquidOPM
        79 months ago

        The only reason we keep them around is because they’re cute. Ghost is mean and hates everyone and everything but us and has also brought dead animals or sometimes dead half-animals through the dog door- she won’t let us have them sometimes either, but the worst was waking up to the back half of a rabbit and blood all over the floor. Meanwhile, Charlie wants endless pets and if you stop, he’ll scratch you over and over until you do it again. I try to stop him from doing it to my face, but he’s gotten my eye a couple of times and somehow not ripped it out. He also bites my daughter at random. Not hard, but he bites her. Then he wants her to pet him again. But at least he’s stopped pooping in the living room.

        • IninewCrow
          39 months ago

          With those descriptions, now they really sound like the Star Wars / Star Trek fandoms

          • Flying SquidOPM
            39 months ago

            Which one is the rabbit murderer that hates everyone and everything?

            • IninewCrow
              39 months ago

              Ghost is definitely Star Wars … don’t give them a light saber or a Death Star

              Charlie is definitely Star Trek because he wants everyone to like them … to the point of scratching your eyes out

              • Flying SquidOPM
                39 months ago

                But Charlie is the stupider one!

                • IninewCrow
                  39 months ago

                  I didn’t say that either of them were smart … and I should know because I like both Star Trek and Star Wars

                  Ghost will Force Choke you and Charlie will Mind Meld with you for a cookie … but it still doesn’t mean they are that bright

                  • Flying SquidOPM
                    39 months ago

                    Okay, but does Star Trek spend a year pooping in the living room every time you forget to close it off?

        • @Lommy
          39 months ago

          Wow, they are lucky to be this cute. They sound like more than a hand full!

          • Flying SquidOPM
            29 months ago

            Well, no major health problems, no strangers (or even friends) attacked, and since we have a dog door, they get lots of exercise, so overall they’re not as big a handful as they sound. But they do annoy us.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      The weirdest thing just happened.

      I noticed, that Charlie looks an awful lot like my dog, Bane.

      So I dig through some photos to find a picture of him to post in a reply - and the first one I find is one with him and me - wearing a Star Wars shirt.

      So I have to ask: Are you my evil/parallel universe twin? :-P

      • Flying SquidOPM
        39 months ago

        Bane is a cute doggie, but looks a bit bigger (Charlie is only 14 pounds) and Charlie also has one “broken” ear that won’t stand up.