I’m sorry to anyone I gave shit to about the writing or about it being the Michael Burnham Whining Hour. Y’all were right.
Expect a name change soon.
I’m sorry to anyone I gave shit to about the writing or about it being the Michael Burnham Whining Hour. Y’all were right.
Expect a name change soon.
So many parts of the show are great but have been smothered by parading around Michael Burnham and trying to give her the world that she doesn’t deserve. The new season showed her to be an outright psychopath who is willing to put the needs of the many above the needs of her relationship. And that was in Episode 1. Every episode from there demonstrated how the writers of the show did not give a singular fuck about anyone or anything other than Burnham. The final scene of the series ends on something that, when you give it a second of thought, is HORRENDOUSLY FUCKED UP. Especially when we saw a glimpse of what that kind of thing would do to someone (hint, it’s really not good) and they still fucking do it anyway.
I am so sick of
SookieMichael and her stupid fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name. FUCKSOOKIEMichael.Fairy vagina??
I overall liked the first two seasons of Discovery but Michael and Klingonman’s relationship took too much space. It was too much melodrama and I felt like they could’ve done something more productive.
Tilly was probably my favourite character, but there’s a bunch of interesting ones they could’ve developed further. Did Tilly’s mushroom friend ever return?
I’m also hella disappointed they killed Hugh only to bring him back, like that plot line wasn’t interesting at all. I’m dead tired of burying the gays.
I too am curious about the fairy vagina
True Blood reference and a really good and apt one too
Thanks! 🙏
Sorry bud, I had to stop at “the new season showed her” because I still want to see it for myself and form my own opinions without spoilers.
But I’m sorry they ruined the whole thing for you since I know how much you were looking forward to the season.
I did not post spoilers. You could have just not responded instead of saying “Sorry, I didn’t read what you said.”
I wanted to tell you I was sorry about it being ruined for you. And I did read the comment up to that point!
Edit: And now I read the whole thing since there were no spoilers. And yeah, Michael is a stupid name. I never got that.
Sorry. I didn’t sleep. A few things going on but this stupid fucking show has really been bugging me.
Apparently according to the EPs, Michael was chosen because Trek has a history of switching things up. Michael has been used in the past as a womans name so they decided to use it here. Basically the skant but in name form. It’s fucking dumb.
Yeah, that is not the greatest reasoning. That’s a real “we did it because we could” sort of thing rather than “here’s why she has this name” in a way that you didn’t need an explanation from the EPs instead of watching the show. I hate it when shows do that.
I thought for sure:
Calypso was going to be Zora keeping the tech hidden forever. Couldn’t be destroyed because reasons, and was too dangerous even in the right hands. Its still fucked up but she’d at least get the why.
Just to be clear, by Sookie, are you referring to the character on Gilmore Girls? Because if so, I’m sorry, Rory is the actual worst.
Although, it is messed up how Sookie treated her husband.
Oh it’s a quote from True Blood. I’m just replacing the characters name in that with Michael.
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