Things aren’t looking good for me. I’m a few levels into Selaco, a new FPS out now on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hiding spot. I’m also low on health. So yeah, a bad spot to be in. I take a deep breath and try something.

As smoothly as I can I slide out from behind the bar, toss an ice grenade toward the enemies, and then dash behind a wall. A moment later a boom happens and my foes are frozen. I spot a nearby propane tank, pick it up, and chuck it at them. A second later I shoot it and watch them blow up. On my screen, a notification lets me know I’ve killed enough of these bastards to unlock a new milestone and earned some new crafting materials to make my assault rifle even better. Sweet!

I then remember that the game I’m playing—that lets me do all this and more was built using a modified version of the ancient Doom engine and giggle. This kind of thing happens a lot in Selaco, a game that rarely feels like it’s built on old bones and dated tech, but instead feels like a polished and modern shooter with some slick retro visuals. What’s most surprising about Selaco isn’t that it’s developed in GZDoom, but that it might be one of the best shooters I’ve played in years.

  • @Duamerthrax
    109 months ago

    If anyone wants a complete GZDoom game (or 2 or 3 depending on how your counting) right now to try, Hedon is really great. Also, made by a solo dev(music and VA work was outsourced), so absolute flex on AAA game companies.

    • sag
      39 months ago

      +1 for Hedon. It’s pretty good.

    • @Zahille7
      9 months ago

      Just looked it up on Steam, and it’s part of a bundle with another GZDoom game called Supplice which looked pretty cool, so I got that. I also bought a game called Incision which looks pretty wild too.

      They’re all boomer shooters and I’m excited to play them.

      • @Duamerthrax
        29 months ago

        Those look like they have potential. Hopefully the publishers let the devs cook long enough. I don’t want another Graven.

        And some real brain damage on the Supplice comments section.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      29 months ago

      For some weird reason that specific one doesn’t run on my Linux system. Sad.

      • @Duamerthrax
        19 months ago

        If you can get a clue as to what’s going on, message the dev on steam. It’s one guy, so they probably don’t know about the issue. For a for a little while, if you had Heretic loaded in GZDoom, it would load that instead of the Hedon.