• @[email protected]
    69 months ago

    We need to stop waiting for the next election to do things about this fascist trash trying to overthrow elections.

    • @Riccosuave
      9 months ago

      Locking him up over this conviction will only serve to embolden him, and win him sympathy amongst low information voters. Getting a conviction for colluding to retain state secrets, and potentially selling them to foreign actors is a whole different ball game chief. None of the prosecutions that matter are getting done before the election. That is just the fucking facts. I want him getting fisted in the ass with no lube by the Justice Department, and throwing him in jail now guarantees that never happens. Use your brain.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Locking him up over this conviction will only serve to embolden him

        “Can’t do anything because the person who whines about everything including winning will use it to rile up his stupid base” is the dumbest whataboutism bullshit. Continuing to not do anything hasn’t worked out for the last eight years, why the hell do you think it will work this time?

        Use your brain.

        Your plan gives his base ammunition because he can say that if he was a real criminal he would be in jail. Use your brain!

        • @Riccosuave
          -29 months ago

          If they sentence him to prison now, he will never see the inside of a cell before the election. It only helps his cause. You are so god damn naive if you don’t think that is the case. I’m looking for hard fucking time, no more pussyfooting, no more saber ratling. In order to do that he has to first lose the election, and then get bent over by the DOJ. That is the only way we have a chance of getting justice. If you don’t believe that then that’s on you, but you are 1000% fucking wrong.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            It helps his cause among a small number of MAGA hatters to the point that a few of them will probably get violent. It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

            • @Riccosuave
              9 months ago

              It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

              See, you say that, but that is a historically illiterate perspective. The guy feeds on the medias negativity bias towards him. It literally makes him stronger because the entire Republican media apparatus is now designed to spin any criticism or bad news about him into another attack vector for them to further erode democracy. Their messaging is so overwhelming that this firehose of falsehoods strategy has become unquestionably effective. It no longer matters what the facts are, it’s only about the vibes.

              So let me tell you how this is going to go: Trump is going to win because he is the ultimate martyr of white victimhood. The poor white working class will burn this country to the fucking ground before they allow anyone else to be doing perceptually better than them en masse. These people truly believe that the only thing better than helping someone up is standing on their fucking head and watching them drown. So, he is going to win because the American experiment has failed. You can take that to the bank because you know deep down I am exactly right.