“Something snapped in this guy—for real—when he lost in 2020,” Biden said. “He can’t accept the fact that he lost, it’s literally driving him crazy.”

  • @pubquiz
    299 months ago

    Go to bed, Strawman.

    • @givesomefucks
      -309 months ago

      How is that a straw man?

      I just don’t think we should give credit to someone for advising someone else do the right thing, when they don’t themselves.

      I swear to God that used to be a popular opinion.

      We used to all look down on people that acted like that, being a hypocrite never made anyone better, it usually made them worst. And highlighted when they had (very recently and publicly) went against their own advice.

      • @pubquiz
        199 months ago

        A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. Wikipedia

        • @givesomefucks
          -179 months ago

          Who is my “opponent” here?

          I replied to an article about Biden’s words, with his actions from very recently not matching up?

          That seems relevant to the article, and I have no idea how it would be a strawman, or why instead of saying the argument was a strawman, you called me one.