Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can’t support their free base. Also - it’s VNC. It’s a protocol. There’s a dozen free clients out there.

  • Encrypt-Keeper
    78 months ago

    because they aren’t MAKING Microsoft sysadmins anymore.

    I mean as opposed to what? Windows admins probably still make up the lions share of Sysadmins and I don’t really see how that would stop now.

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
      168 months ago

      They are making Cloud Microsoft sysadmins, as opposed to on-premises sysadmins. Which means the new crop of admins are just high tier application admins, and have no idea how to manage infrastructure, configure hardware, or actually troubleshoot problems with the application, since they don’t have access to it at that level. All of this makes businesses more and more reliant on the cloud, which is exactly what these providers want.

      • jelloeater
        58 months ago

        So glorified help desk folks… Kids these days don’t have a clue how anything actually works…