Could be a partner, roommate, coworker, or somebody you volunteered with. They could have stopped for any reason from leaving, getting sick or hurt or even dying to just getting sick of doing that one thing and stopping.

  • @[email protected]
    134 months ago

    Someone I worked with (indirectly) managed her team when certain changes needed to happen with infrastructure. After she left, her replacement wasn’t given guidance on why this was important. A routine infra change led to multiple days of chaos because that end wasn’t handled properly.

    I ended up demoted as a result, but not fired nor docked pay. My job is easier because I have less responsibility, so the grass is definitely greener over here. I’m watching my temp replacement struggle with the position and I don’t miss it.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      that’s kind of awesome. the inverse of your story is what ive seen more often, the promotion that is more work for no more pay. both reflect the same corporate dysfunction.