• @RememberTheApollo_
    9 months ago

    Forcing bikes into conflict with cars is of course going to create problems. When I first started riding being on a sidewalk was fine. If that wasn’t available there was usually a sufficiently wide breakdown lane. Only fools and couriers rode in busy urban environments. But with the big push for bikes both municipally and on the basis of personal preference they had to get bikes out of conflict wirh pedestrians on sidewalks, but in built-up urban environments where there isn’t any room to put in proper bike lanes. It’s just a recipe for inflamed tempers. Even on roads that are more suburban, a couple of 18mph bikes blocking a 45 mph road is stupid even if they have a right to be there. But we need more bikes.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        -29 months ago

        Why is that crazy? Busy roads in suburban areas are quite often in the 45-35mph range. My street is 30. The main road it connects to is 45. The major road that connects to is also 45. Where I lived previously was 40.

        • @[email protected]
          69 months ago

          it’s far too fast for residential areas, even for access roads they should probably be restricted to 30mph until you get out of the residential area. The main problem is of course the high speeds are dangerous, discouraging mixed use of roads in residential areas. it’s one of the reasons americans in suburbs can’t imagine walking somewhere, along with zoning law issues of course.

          it’s really part of a couple of interconnected issues with american suburb design (in my opinion as a non-american who has only visited some suburbs in the us)

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        No, we’d want cyclists going a sensible speed on the sidewalk when the road is too dangerous to cycle on.

        Frankly if a road has traffic going >30mph on it, I’m not cycling on it without a dedicated cycle lane, and I don’t just mean a thin line painted in the gutter.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        19 months ago

        I literally said we had to remove the bikes from sidewalks to separate them from pedestrians. What’s crazy about that?

    • Jerkface (any/all)
      9 months ago

      No, riding on the sidewalk was never “fine”. I know it FEELS more safe, but cyclists are struck more often and killed more often per km of sidewalk than road. And I am never okay with pushing risk off on other people because I’m afraid to accept it myself; even if riding on the sidewalk were safer for me, it is less safe for everyone else, so I don’t fucking do it.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        9 months ago

        Dude(ette), I’m over 50. It was “fine” in the sense that it was what we all did and there were rarely any rules against it. I don’t know where you’re getting that I said it was acceptable in the modern context, in fact I stated pretty much the opposite. You’re making controversy where there really isn’t any.