ST. LOUIS — Five states have banned ranked choice voting in the last two months, bringing the total number of Republican-leaning states now prohibiting the voting method to 10.

Missouri could soon join them.

If approved by voters, a GOP-backed measure set for the state ballot this fall would amend Missouri’s constitution to ban ranked choice voting.

  • @krashmo
    699 months ago

    Conservatives lose when more options are presented. If you’re a conservative that’s a great argument for banning ranked choice voting.

    • @0110010001100010
      649 months ago

      Conservatives lose pretty much all the time when voting is fair. That’s why they work as hard as possible make voting harder and create districts where they are guaranteed to win.

      If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.

      -David Frum