I hope this is cool to post here. It’s a Backerkit project for a documentary about Sierra On-line. I grew up playing these and figured there might be some other old farts around who would be interested.

I remember Kings Quest 6 blowing my mind when it came out and I only had the floppy disk version. I never knew until I was much older that there was a CD-ROM version with full voice over.

  • @Fredselfish
    24 months ago

    I read Hackers: Heros of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy. Should I really read Kens book as well? I mean I feel I learned a lot about how it came about from Levy book.

    • @Strider
      24 months ago

      I didn’t read that one.

      Ken’s book is mainly focused on the business side of things. While that does sound boring how I stated it it is very good imo.

      • @Fredselfish
        24 months ago

        Man you should read it. It goes over the entire computer revolution from like 50’s on.

        • @Strider
          24 months ago

          I might, thanks!