• @barsquid
    2921 days ago

    He won’t need to. They’re in the wealthy class so the son won’t get much jail time if any. Nobody interested in hiring him would give a fuck about this conviction.

    We have a two-tier system. It has been obvious for a while, but Donald getting $1,000 scoldings for sending Trumpanzees after the court’s staff and family has shone a spotlight on the discrepancy.

    • @shalafi
      1521 days ago

      There’s always been a 2-tier system, through all nations and all times.

      One of my favorite parts of Noble House, set in 1840s Hong Kong, was a Chinese guy disgusted with the English notion of “equal under the law”. “Of course there are different laws for the rich and poor! Why else would I strive to be rich?!”

      I think on that now and again.

      • @Got_Bent
        221 days ago

        I tried many, many times to read Noble House, but it was too long for me to get through it.

        Anywho, if I remember, wasn’t it set in the twentieth century?

    • @Alexstarfire
      321 days ago

      Pretty sure the judge had his hands tied for the max fine he could dole out to Trump. Still a problem that should be fixed but it’s not cause of the judge.

      • @roguetrick
        1221 days ago

        A leftist that points out inequality inherent in the system? What a strange thing to encounter on Lemmy. I’m positively flummoxed as to how this came about.

        • @barsquid
          221 days ago

          If you ask anyone from .ml, I’m not even a leftist. I am pretty dead set against Donald, whereas they (and Bibi) want Donald elected.

              • @PeggyLouBaldwin
                121 days ago

                Jill Stein wants no war. your accusation is pure bad faith.

                • @barsquid
                  121 days ago

                  Jill Stein is not going to be president. Your assertion is in bad faith or ignorance.

                  • @PeggyLouBaldwin
                    121 days ago

                    you literally accused people who said they want Jill Stein to win of lying and actually wanting another candidate to win. that’s bad faith.

        • @[email protected]
          -621 days ago

          Leftists carrying water for fascists? Definitely not a strange thing to encounter both on Lemmy and in history.

          • @TokenBoomer
            121 days ago

            Some of us have moved beyond team sports and are now questioning the game.

      • @[email protected]
        821 days ago

        It isn’t a “both sides” thing, it is a class thing. The wealthy never face consequences unless they personally perform some heinous act, and even then it isn’t guaranteed.

      • @barsquid
        221 days ago

        I sympathize with being sick of bothsidesers, but I don’t think that’s what I’m doing here. The justice system is unfair as it is. Dems aren’t doing enough but Repubs want to make it even worse. If youths came out to vote in every election we wouldn’t be stuck with these two choices, but there is very clearly just one sane choice.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          221 days ago

          If youths came out to vote in every election

          They did, and their candidate lost anyway. Too many olds spread across too many districts.

          Maybe if you can convince a few hundred thousand Youngs to move to Wyoming…

          • @barsquid
            121 days ago

            Every election. The parties cannot count on the youth vote. They both seem to be acting like they don’t care what youths want. I am assuming a correlation there. Unfortunately it’s correlating in both directions.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              121 days ago

              The parties cannot count on the youth vote.

              The youth vote isn’t a specific set of people. Its a continuous cohort of new voters entering the pool. And the parties are deeply wedded to the youth vote, in so far as they need to get their hooks in early in order to guarantee consistent turnout in later generations. Big investments in social media by partisan groups - from TPUSA to Joe Rogan sponsors - are predicated on winning over young people to right wing ideology. And Republicans consistently have some of the youngest elected party members because they aggressively recruit young people into leadership

              What can’t be counted on is the liberal party to engage with younger voting cohorts. You don’t see Democrats engaging with youth activist movements. You don’t see Democrats courting the college vote. You don’t see Democrats attempting to seat ideological 20-year-olds in city councils or state legislatures and build up the back bench. You don’t see the national party investing in professional party workers under the age of 30. Liberalism is the party of stoggie old dinosaurs telling their grandkids to shut up and vote for them, then getting mad when they only win 60-70% of the youth vote and still lose.

              When liberal democrats burn out in their 30s and 40s, because they’ve been lied to and betrayed over and over again, all we get from the liberal party is “The other guys are worse, though!” As though that shit was ever a winning strategy.