Many games feature amazing music, but certain games take it beyond even that.

Games like DOOM are known for the “procedural” composition they use to marry gameplay and sound, and not only that, the way the music is a perfect tonal match to what is happening.

What games have you played that feature music that doesn’t just make you notice it, but also pulls you further in?

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  • @TwoBeeSan
    309 months ago

    Nier Automata

    The soundtrack is integral to the experience.

    The credits sequence, IMO, is the current high for games as a medium.

    When the chorus kicks in on end of yorha, after you ask for help, still gives me goosebumps.

    Not normally that kind of person, but the way all aspects of design, music, story, and user input collide make it the most impactful experience I’ve ever had in a game.

    • MentalEdgeOPM
      79 months ago

      It’s a magnum opus, to be sure. I’ll be blown away if Yoko Taro finds a way to top it.

    • Berttheduck
      26 months ago

      Genuinely my favourite gaming moment. Nothing before or since from the medium has made me feel as much as that sequence. It’s just fantastic. If you game at all you need to try it.