s4e17 “Accession”

  • @trolololol
    34 months ago

    But help me out with the size of the roster. Say you have 25 people needed to operate 25 stations. 3 shifts so you have 75 people on your ship.

    Then you go to 4 shifts without stopping at a start base to pick up extra 25 people. And you have to put 1/3 of your crew in double shifts, or you spread it out so everyone picks up an extra shift 1/3 of the time. And in average everyone works as much as before.

    • themeatbridge
      54 months ago

      Redundancy is efficiency. No ship would operate with exactly 75 people to cover 25 stations in three shift. Either some of those stations are redundant, or you have more than 75 people. Otherwise, one illness or injury would bring down the whole system.

      A switch to shorter shifts would reduce redundancy on each shift, but each worker would get more rest and be less likely to burnout or get sick, even if they have to pick up occasional double shifts until they can take on more crew.

      • @trolololol
        34 months ago

        Ok kinda makes sense

        Except for O Brian that keeps doing radical sports and injuring his elbow. Or Jadzia and Worfs “training” program every day like rabbits.