#DnD DMs of the #Fediverse: Have you ever made a PC race illegal?


I am feeling inspired by #mcdm_productions worldbuilding where all Dragonborn have a bounty on their heads, which was set by the current king. I would like to do something similar in mine with Orcs, but I’m not sure how to handle that lore-wise.

  • @cjoll4
    169 months ago

    By “illegal,” do you mean the player is not allowed to choose the race for their character? Or do you mean the race is outlawed within the setting, i.e. Orcs would have no legal protections and are persecuted by the law?

    • Xilabar the Dice GoblinOP
      89 months ago

      As in being an orc is against the law of the kingdom their character are in. #MCDM has dragonborn as being created by Good King Omin, who was deposed by the evil Lord Ajax. Ajax then placed a large Bounty on the head of every dragonborn.