Give us the cheat codes to your industry/place of work!

  • @[email protected]
    109 months ago

    Reasoning: For everyone one You, we have a 1000 not-You. But the other 1000 say almost the same as you.
    Once you experience that you become jaded and assume they are either lying or tell or miss some details. But we know our usuals and if we notice the name we might assume you know x and y more than the usual.

    Please dont stop putting in the last mile :)

    • @IzzyScissor
      59 months ago

      Yeah, I get that. I think it’s partially to do with how rarely I’ll have an actual issue. Also with their turnover rate, I rarely interact with the same tech twice.

      I still do all the legwork to figure out if it’s something I can fix myself and always put specifics (Repro steps, Error Codes, etc.), but pulled back on listing every other step I’ve already tried.