• @j4k3
    2418 days ago

    I had no idea of the story behind the name. Thanks.

    • Poplar?
      217 days ago

      Is it still worth reading as an introduction?

      • @j4k3
        217 days ago

        If you want to know some basic structures sure. I don’t understand most of it. I got pretty good at reverse engineering circuit boards and thought I would like to try chips, but my health just isn’t at the required level. So I’m probably not the most useful reference. It is all about processes that are a long way from edge nodes, but trailing edge stuff is still a thing. I guess it really depends on your use case. Watch Asianometry on YT then maybe Electron Update, and go from there. There are people talking about reverse engineering chips at deeper levels of you go digging, especially in vintage silicon and FPGA areas.