Almost 30 more minutes of dishwasher.

  • @[email protected]
    819 months ago

    As someone who’s worked on industrial machinery for food production all my life, I’m consistently amazed at what a simple dishwasher can do, and how it can do so for YEARS with essentially zero maintenance. Cleaning food residue is HARD.
    I just bought a new one recently (the old one wasn’t actually broken, despite being very old, so I gave it away), and I can’t help but open it up every once in a while to admire it. How much time these devices save us!

    • @czardestructo
      339 months ago

      Depends on your luck. I’ve had to repair my Samsung dishwasher 3 times in 5 years and yet my parents bought the cheapest possible model 15 years ago and it operates lawlessly and does a better job at cleaning.

      • @CaptPretentious
        279 months ago

        Yeah quality of the brand really matters. Samsung makes some of the worst appliances. And older appliances really were just built better in many cases.

        • @bitwaba
          9 months ago

          But being this is a 44dBA washer, the most powerful dishwasher in the world and will wash your plate clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?”

          Well, do ya, cup?

      • @[email protected]
        229 months ago


        Well there’s your problem right there.

        Honestly, I worked as a house cleaner for a bit, and any samsung dishwasher I had to deal with was either broken or new.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Aahhg I had a bosch in my old apartment that was just the right amount of quiet to fall asleep to. I really miss it… ;-;

      • @[email protected]
        109 months ago

        operates lawlessly

        as long as it doesn’t get caught!

        Jokes aside, I’ve only ever owned European-made appliances. My old dishwasher was a Bosch that came with the apartment when we bought it, I don’t know how old it was, but I guess around 20 years, and again, I replaced but it was still working.
        I don’t buy appliances at big box stores though, I always go to a dedicated shop where they kinda select their offerings, as they also have to deal with support calls. There’s one in my city that, despite being a fraction of a big box store, moves A LOT of merchandise, so they also have a lot of experience, so far I’ve been quite happy.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I had a Samsung dishwasher that I dumped after just 4 years because it kept breaking every 6 to 12 months. I also have a fridge that is 8 years old that cost me an arm and a leg from Samsung and I need to keep fixing it every couple of years and have given up on fixing the ice maker. Also just dispossessed of a washing machine last month from, you guessed, Samsung because the mother board fried and they don’t sell it anymore, it was 6 years old. I still have a curved LED 85" TV that some how broke in the corner, for fucks sake, it’s made of aluminum! Not only that, the smart TV menus are infected with ads everywhere. Why the hell did that happen? It was a very expensive TV when I bought it. I have a few Hisense TVs and they last years and are ridiculously cheap. Samsung has a beautiful design but all their products are just plain crap with planned obsolescence. Never again will I buy a Samsung home appliance.

        • @czardestructo
          39 months ago

          My whole kitchen is Samsung. Stove needed a new bimetal switch because the cooling fan for the top got stuck on. The dish washer garbage disposal knife blew apart into fragments twice and the gaskets rotted and fell apart. Microwave magneto diode blew. Its all literal garbage, I’m selling my house soon and leaving that trash behind and buying high end next time to save myself money in the long term.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        Don’t buy anything Samsung. Shit company with bad products designed to fail after warranty expires.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        My Samsung has popped the wash bar twice but that’s it so far. It’s super easy to fix but there’s no alarm so you never realize it until you notice things on the bottom rack not getting washed.