
Social Media Post:
Star Trek fans have held the national stereotype of being way too rabid about things for decades but they’re probably the nicest fan base in all of science fiction and the one least likely to have a large faction of them absolutely lose it over a torpedo being fired by a woman or dumb shit like that

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  • @[email protected]
    339 months ago

    They have food replicators. The only thing not vegan about replicated meat is that they’d probably use your poop as bulk material to synthesize stuff

    • @[email protected]
      179 months ago

      Pretty ure I saw Riker cooking with eggs at some point. And who knows what neelix gets up to in the galley

      • @tootoughtoremember
        169 months ago

        Could just replicate the eggs, or even a raw steak to grill, would still be poop meat.

        Neelix on the other hand…

        • @ameancow
          9 months ago

          poop meat.

          Knowing how chemicals and carbon compounds are recycled in Earth’s ecosystem and taking into account factory farming, I would wager the line between poop to serving of hot steak is much a much less connected line on a ship that turns matter into its constituent energy patterns.

          Meanwhile on Earth we routinely have meat recalls because of e-coli contamination. Which is poop. As well as what we use to fertilize our root vegetables. Everyone is eating poop to some degree, it just becomes a problem when enough of it is in one spot to become contamination.

          • @tootoughtoremember
            39 months ago

            The replicators are also used to “recycle”, converting matter into energy, to be used for future replication.

            I doubt they were hauling poop through space rather than converting it to poop energy for their next earl grey.

            • @ameancow
              9 months ago

              This is the whole premise behind Star Trek, and one form a post-scarcity civilization could take.

              As a tangent, Star Trek’s technology is both magical and primitive, in that they can harness and focus energy levels that match stars routinely, they can literally form matter from raw energy and influence the fabric of time and space itself and even break causality if they really try, but despite this have almost no difference in how they are born, grow up and die.

              I get the show is trying to make a relatable universe, but if we reach that level, we will also have reached so many other advancements in every other facet of existing as a human that our species itself would be utterly unrecognizable and we probably wouldn’t be worried about how real our steaks taste.

              • @tootoughtoremember
                39 months ago

                If we’re sticking with the lore, the only limitation should be what they have stored in the replicator database. No reason your poop steak couldn’t taste like an A5 wagyu or a $2 steak, depending on your personal preference.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        True! Forgot about that. I think voyager had a few episodes with hunted game of some sort. The Klingons in general too. Guess actually trek isn’t super big on veganism haha

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Yeah they have. But don’t they go on to tell in several episodes of all of the shows, how someones mom makes/made the best X/Y out of real ingredients and how much better that tastes than replicated food? And they eat on some planets with other people or on vacation… ?! Or someone worked in a restaurant?

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      I don’t think the Star Trek replicator use raw materials to produce stuff. I’m pretty sure it’s just energy converted into matter.