• @Adalast
    629 months ago

    I am getting really tired of these all these chucklefucks being in charge of things they patently do not understand. Modders are the modern lifeline of gaming. They work for free, fix your fuck-ups, and breath life into games that are years and sometimes decades old. Rimworld and Factorio both started their crowd funding campaigns in 2013, and both are wildly popular 11 years later, still selling copies. Factorio is just now coming out with their first expansion, and Rimworld just came out with their 4th. Neither Ludeon Studios (Rimworld) nor Wube Software (Factorio) have had ANY financial need to produce any other projects besides these games. Why are they so wildly profitable and evergreen? They both have rabid modding communities that have been supported and cultivated by the developers constantly fixing and expanding modding support to allow for an infinite variety of new content to be created for their games. Hell, the Vanilla Expanded team of Rimworld modders have actually turned it into a primary income source via Patreon.

    AAA devs need to just sit down and thank these modders for tirelessly working on their games after release for free. Ever since DoTA became more popular than Warcraft 3, they all have their panties in a bunch and keep trying to claim ownership over all mods. No, bad developers smacks on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. God, it pisses me off to no end.

    • Saik0
      509 months ago

      They both have rabid modding communities

      Minecraft would have been dead a decade ago if it wasn’t for modding. Look at all those custom servers and hosting platforms. All the Youtube content.

      • @PunnyName
        139 months ago

        YouTube changed because of Minecraft and gaming. Used to be, shorter videos were YouTube MO, and that’s how you were paid well. Long form videos changed the landscape, and those videos started at gaming content, Minecraft being the main attractor.