Per the article:

Critics say PragerU lessons distort history and facts to serve a conservative worldview. Some scientists have said PragerU videos lack context and downplay climate change as climate alarmism, while the Council on American-Islamic Relations alleges some videos are anti-Muslim. Other complaints center on the nonprofit’s portrayal of slavery.

PragerU is literally paid by billionaires to push their far-right science denial

  • @snekerpimp
    319 months ago

    So, what’s the end goal? Are they trying to make “Idiocracy” a documentary? What happens when the US public no longer has the understanding or knowledge of basic science? Who will invent and innovate? Who will advance technology? Technology that all these people enjoy every day. That they stand on top of to try and control the public. That they are using to make people dumber. How short sighted are these people?

    • @Potatisen
      359 months ago

      They need consumers. It’s not some long game, master plan-type of thing. It’s a short term thing that’s just being pushed by a bunch of different lobbies/interests.

      American politicians, lobbyists and general population are all drinking the same low-IQ Kool aid.

      • @snekerpimp
        59 months ago

        I get that… but it’s kinda like China with the one child law…. No one said “hey, eventually this will make our population decline.”? It’s mind bottling that none of them thinks further than the next yacht.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          Population decline was the point of the one child policy. To help stop, among other things, environmental collapse.

          • @snekerpimp
            39 months ago

            The point of one child was not to decline the population, but to level it off, to help with resources. They left it in place waaaaaay too long and have reached a point where reversing it will be a Herculean effort.

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              Every advanced country is going to have population decline, as most women don’t actually want to have kids. Or at least have enough kids to maintain the current population levels.

              • @snekerpimp
                09 months ago

                Umm, I’d like to see statistics or data on that. Sounds more like an opinion.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Yes. It’s exactly this. Just think about your friends/coworkers/family who have no idea what goes on politically that directly affects them and don’t care.

      Now double or triple that number. That’s the uneducated, apathetic group Republicans need to try and hold onto power.