Per the article:

Critics say PragerU lessons distort history and facts to serve a conservative worldview. Some scientists have said PragerU videos lack context and downplay climate change as climate alarmism, while the Council on American-Islamic Relations alleges some videos are anti-Muslim. Other complaints center on the nonprofit’s portrayal of slavery.

PragerU is literally paid by billionaires to push their far-right science denial

  • @givesomefucks
    119 months ago

    Shit man, aren’t we still forcing kids to recite the pledge of allegiance?

    I got a lot of shit for saying “if you make us it’s meaningless” as a kid.

    But red states educations are about unquestionably following orders, they don’t want any free thought getting in he way of that.

    When you step back and look at that whole process, it’s dystopian as fuck.