Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play.

Note: I know very little about sports and being on a sports team, so please point out anything that doesn’t make sense.

  • @givesomefucks
    9 months ago

    they would grow beard and get a deeper voice, that’s how HRT works for FtMs.

    Plenty of people with XY chromosomes can’t grow facial and have a high pitched voice well into their 20s or even after

    And plenty of people with XX chromosomes shave/wax/bleach facial hair and have deep voices.

    Hormones aren’t binary, there’s a bunch of different hormones that can be in a lot of different ranges

    And that’s not even getting into the other options besides XX/XY

    Stop trying to make everyone conform to your binary views on gender.

    • @kava
      9 months ago

      She’s not talking about gender he’s talking about sex. Someone born with testicles with XY chromosomes is always going to produce more testosterone than someone born with ovaries with XX chromosomes - assuming both sexual organs are functioning as expected.

      • Chloë (she/her)
        39 months ago

        Sorry this is bothering me a bit but if by “He” you meant me, I use she/her pronouns I’ll put It in my bio :)

        • @kava
          29 months ago

          Changed it. I always assume people online are male for some reason. I didn’t read your username

      • @feedum_sneedson
        29 months ago

        These people are very fact-resistant, I wouldn’t bother.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Oh, nice to know that girl who beat me (in the same weight class) at wrestling was cuz her sexual organs weren’t working properly.

        • @kava
          39 months ago

          We’re talking about testosterone in blood not wrestling abilities. A 300lb woman will beat an 110lb man in wrestling. Doesn’t mean she has higher T.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Amazing how one can dismiss another’s personal experience by simply insisting a different scenario happened.

            • @kava
              29 months ago

              What personal experience am I dismissing? Please explain. I’m talking about human anatomy. The organ that produces testosterone are the testicles. Ovaries produce a token amount.

              We are talking about T % in blood. Not personal experiences.

      • @givesomefucks
        -19 months ago


        A whole bunch of shit while ignoring all the contex…

        I’m talking about 18-22 year olds and the women are on the women’s rugby team comparing them to men who have never needed to shave and their voice hasn’t cracked.

        If you think every 18-22 year old guys has been thru puberty…

        That’s as ridiculous as not understanding that hight T women would be attracted to high level athletics and then overly represented in elite athletes.

        What you are doing is the equivalent of someone who stops paying attention to science in sixth grade but believes they’re an expert at 47.

        You got the cliff notes version and think people should address you as Doctor.

        Shits a lot more complicated than you think.

        • @kava
          39 months ago

          A high T woman is 70 ng/dL and that already is starting to imply some sort of adrenal tumor or polycystic ovary syndrome. The normal range is a lot closer to 20~30

          A low T man is ~250 ng/dL and average is around 400~500 ng/dL

          A woman will not have T levels similar to men because they don’t have testicles. Even the highest T females compared to lowest T men.

          The only time this would be true is in 1 in 10 million cases. If that’s your whole argument, then OK. It is theoretically possible if the woman has an adrenal tumor and the man is effectively castrated.

          But for virtually all other cases this simply cannot happen due to human physiology.

          • @givesomefucks
            -19 months ago

            What do you not understand about 18-22?

            Which, if you haven’t noticed, is still the age range of a lot of Olympians and elite athletes.

            Hell, some sports average under 18.

            It’s like you didn’t even read my comment. You’re just fucking insisting everything fits in your nice little division of two piles and no one else can exist.

            It’s the same line of thinking as transphobes…

            And I have no desire to ever interact with people stuck in that thinking. And immediately regret trying to help you understand the finer points.

            • @kava
              49 months ago

              No I don’t understand what you mean about 18-22. What difference does that make?

              18-22 is a fully sexually mature adult. The testicles and ovaries are already functional by 14 in overwhelming majority of the population.

              And yes I’m putting everything into two piles. Either you have testicles or you don’t. If you have functioning testicles, you will always have more T than someone who doesn’t.

            • Chloë (she/her)
              19 months ago

              It’s the same line of thinking as transphobes…

              No it’s not? You’re saying things that don’t make sense, if you’re assigned female at birth you have ovaries (assuming no intersex condition) if you’re assigned male at birth you have testicules (assuming same thing)

              The ovaries produce estrogen (in three different forms E2 is the most important) And progesterone. The testicules produce testosterone and testosterone can decay into dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

              If an individual has more estrogen they will have a female phenotype (essentially they will look like a woman have breasts soft skin etc…)

              If an individual has more Testosterone and DHT they will have a male phenotype. ( More strength, stronger jaw, more body hair, going bald in a lot of cases)

              I’m a Trans woman, the point of hormone replacement therapy is to take my testosterone away and give me estrogen instead, after a while (and possibly some surgeries for bone structure) I’ll look like a woman, because that’s what hormones do. In the same vein since I don’t have T in my blood anymore I am losing strength, and my body hair is getting thinner (although if it could hurry up a bit!) there’s nothing transphobic about acknowledging that happens, it’s literally the desired effect!

              If you’re still confused about NB people just know that some do take cross sex hormones to achieve a more androgynous look.