Religious conservatives see opportunities for fresh gains after a series of victories during Trump’s first term. Rights advocates see a dangerous blurring of church and state.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    59 months ago

    Wow, haven’t heard any cons making that claim, but I certainly believe they have.

    I think it’s much the same way they know something is deemed a bad thing and don’t want to be called out for that thing, so they hilariously try to flip the script, all the while demonstrating they don’t really understand the term and why it’s problematic. See: racism and fascism. They claim Democrats are the real racists for…some inane reason (for supposedly “cancelling” some white man, for instance, or because they are seeing too many brown people on their screens, or…). Or that Democrats are the real fascists because…donnie is facing questions in court for his illegal activities, or because a xtian saw a rainbow flag somewhere, or…

    I guess they heard normal Americans talking about how Handmaid’s Tale is a rabid winger’s wet dream, and just did a “no u” on it…