There’s a lot more in that source as well

Some of them, if you stun them they just look at you and cry… when it cries and then it gives me another thing, of eish (shivering). I like animals and now I am killing the animals. The first week before I started to stun, hey, it was difficult for me

Sometimes I saw myself slaughtering the animals, but you see eyes, I saw, eyes of the animal. It’s like its watching me. That thing, that dream, I didn’t feel well even when I came back to work, but I keep on checking the eyes to see its watching me, because I saw it in the dream. It’s not easy for a first time

In my dream I see the bleeding line, just the cattle hanging on the line, all whose heads are off. I get this picture often. It’s not nice to dream about blood; you wake up wet with sweat

And so on

  • @Sanctus
    579 months ago

    Industrialized slaughter was never going to end any other way. We aren’t mentally built to do this to other creatures. But the ones that make the money dont do it directly and therefore are absolved of all the effects.

    • @[email protected]
      299 months ago

      And the creatures weren’t designed to live industrially, so we have worse food obtained by harming the animals and the people involved in the process with unregulated animal husbandry and grocery prices.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Interesting take. How do you figure that?

          I’ll go a step further and say that no animal was “designed”.

          • @[email protected]
            69 months ago

            Dogs were designed. But you can use a colloquialism and anthropomorphise evolution while still being comprehensible to others, and if you do that, well every animal was designed to survive and reproduce, and to do things in aid of that. And no animal was designed to be food for something else, though many plants were.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              You shouldn’t depend on using two definitions for one word in the same argument if you want to be taken seriously.

              In your first use of “design”, you mean that deliberate effort was made to eugenically breed dogs to exhibit certain traits. That’s accurate.

              In your original comment and your second use of “design” here, you mean “evolved” but inaccurately used the word “design” when you self-reportedly meant “evolved”, so I’m going to use the appropriate word “evolved” here instead.

              Anthropomorphizing evolution doesn’t make evolution a simpler concept than evolution itself.

              How do you mean that plants evolved to become food for something else?

              Plants were around hundreds of millions of years before any animals showed up. Do you mean fungi?

              • @[email protected]
                59 months ago

                They weren’t the same argument. They were two different arguments. That’s why I used the word “but” in the middle of the two, which is a word that has traditionally connoted a difference between two statements.

                • @[email protected]
                  19 months ago

                  Nice try, but you’re consistently using the same word to mean two radically different concepts so that you can hop between definitions.

                  “Let’s pretend pink means red and purple. Now, shirt number one is red and shirt number two is purple. They’re both pink, right?”

                  Inaccurately and for your personal definitions, yes. Both shirts are pink.

                  Accurately, no, one shirt is red and one shirt is purple.

                  If you have a point you want to make, make it accurately.

                  It’s okay if you used the wrong word the first time, say what you actually meant and move forward

                  • @[email protected]
                    39 months ago

                    No, I met you on your own terms for one sentence before switching back to my terms and explaining why.

        • @SupraMario
          79 months ago

          Do you think predators eat grass?

    • @Fungah
      99 months ago

      I mean. People will as readily do this to other people as they will to animals.

      The sad fact is we are built to do this. Because we do.

      • @Sanctus
        39 months ago

        If we were meant to do it then it wouldn’t be blessing all these people with PTSD.

      • Makhno
        19 months ago

        Even the Nazis had to innovate ways to execute people because just shooting them was too damaging to the soldiers