Picture shows a pride parade. A group of people are carrying a banner that says “LOCKHEED MARTIN” over a rainbow graphic.

    9 months ago

    So democracy is to blame?

    Again, absolutely bizarre takes. Just incredible how completely unrelated these responses are to anything I’m saying or any coherent line of thought.

    You’re treating it as if Lockheed Martin just, inherently ought to exist, that it would be impossible for them not to exist. They do not.

    Since you seem to be struggling to understand how that could possibly be, I’ll tell you: nationalization. The government should seize control of all assets belonging to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Boeing (ideally, the CEOs and upper management should be deported to Afghanistan to face justice), no one should be able to make a profit from it (aside from wages), they should not be able to have lobbyists, and there should be no ability to go from war profiteer to policy maker deciding what wars to start or vice versa.

    But if you want to lick the boots of warmongers who cause bloodshed for the sake of corporate profits, I guess I can’t stop you. But what I can say is that, as a queer person, I completely reject their performative “support” and have no desire to be associated with them in any way, and that they can take their pride flags and shove them up their ass.

    • @Malek061
      19 months ago

      My responses are to show the logical conclusions to your asine statements that make no sense.

      Yes. I believe arms manufacturers must exist. How else does a people defend themselves? Strongly worded letters?

      You think the state should have a monopoly on defense production? That’s a recipe for stagnation and disaster.

      I glad you don’t own “queer” because your purity test is ridiculous. Let these people be. If they want to March in pride with Lockheed flag, let them do it. They aren’t hurting anyone.

      You should be thanking Lockheed marting for helping to provide the very freedom you are using to bitch.

      • OBJECTION!
        29 months ago

        You should be thanking Lockheed martin

        I sincerely hope that you one day find yourself on the receiving end of what you support.

        • @Malek061
          19 months ago

          Is this a death threat?

            • @Malek061
              19 months ago

              You just hoped that was on the receiving end of a lethal defense weapon. That’s no assumption. That’s a death threat.

              • OBJECTION!
                29 months ago

                Well, if you told me you hoped I was on the receiving end of what I support, I wouldn’t see it as a threat. Maybe you should try supporting better things.

                • @Malek061
                  19 months ago

                  I didn’t say that. I was pointing out flaws to your position and hoping to change your mind. You however, went straight to my death, which is uncalled for and little scary. Why do you feel the need wish people death?

                  • OBJECTION!
                    29 months ago

                    I only wished for you to receive the consequences of what you support. If that’s death, then I’ll turn the question back to you: why do you feel the need to wish people death?