• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Native speaker here and no, that wouldn’t be correct as a general rule. The most typical would be talking about or someone else like “yo soy no binario/a” and “yo” would be a he or a she depending on who is saying that. If you’re talking about someone else it’s “el/ella es no binario/a” for example.

    • @Soggy
      69 months ago

      The point of being non-binary, though, is that they are neither “he” nor “she”. Hence the post.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        On one hand, you’re right. On the other, Spanish does not work like that. There’s no gender neutral term for people.

      • @ShardikprimeOP
        09 months ago

        Spanish always knows

        El es no binario

        Ella es no binaria

        You see, easy peasy

    • @Vytle
      9 months ago

      Also a native speaker here. You can also just not specify “el/Ella” because the context isn’t relevant. I.e. “es no binaria”. You can also just pluralize the person to get around gendered wording, I.e. “ya llegaron” for “they have arrived” rather than “el/Ella ya llego” for he/she has arrived, but this is informal and may sound odd to someone of a different dialect from me, but I think this should at least be intelligible to Latin american Spanish dialects

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Except that in spanish we don’t have a gender neutral term so you either explicitly or implicitly have to say el/ella. But yeah, in hindsight it does make sense (semantically) to say “binaria” as if you were referring to them as “personA”

      • @ShardikprimeOP
        09 months ago

        Not only informal but a bit disrespectful, by saying ya llegaron to one person, it’s like adding disdain to them.

        It’s easier to say llegó + nombre de la persona

        ie: llegó Juana, llegó Pedro

        And so on