…and they COULD NOT think of a natural process that could produce plastics in the environment in the amounts required to produce life?

Their science would never dream of how it happened.

  • @[email protected]
    409 months ago

    There technically has always been natural plastic. Polymers. Rubber is an obvious one. But chitin, DNA, silk, sulfer can become plastic, etc are all polymers.

    “Achully-ness” aside. It would be wild to find a plastic based insect. It would probably finally unite all of humanity against a singular cause. I doubt we have enough bombs though.

    • @Postmortal_Pop
      159 months ago

      There are sea snails living near volcanic vents that metabolize the extra iron into shells and plating. I expect we’ll see a similar adaptation at some point. Simple organisms issuing plastic in some sort of process that toughens their shells. If left unchecked we may see an evolutionary leap as more things adapt, and a die off as plastic becomes a finite resource. Future generations may argue the merits of artificially supporting the microplastic ecosystem in the same vein that we argue about reducing it.

      • @[email protected]
        109 months ago

        I agree. It’s bound to happen, life tends to take advantage of any situation available.

        You’ve got an interesting idea regarding future generations. I can totally see that happing. Nice thought

      • @tjsauce
        39 months ago

        Fascinating premise for a game or movie