This month I can finally leave my extortionate Verizon contract, I’m getting a new SIM card to get service with another ISP, now how can I ensure to keep my previous old phone number that Verizon assigned me 7 years ago?

  • Blaster M
    7 months ago

    Nonsense. It’s in the rules that you can transfer. You need to authenticate to port out your number, such as get a port-out code from Verizon. Make sure all the porting info is exactly correct on the new carrier so they can be good. If there really is a dumb reason, then you can simply port out to a different prepay provider (page plus, boom! are two that run on Verizon’s Network), then port to the carrier you intend to be on.

    • @Yeno
      27 months ago

      Yeah suspected I was being lied to and probably should have fought harder and should have done a lot more preemptively. I really shouldn’t have made purchasing choices based on the “Can I transfer” website thing, that’s my bad. I even had my new carrier conference call Verizon with me to try to have the number transfered. According to the agents they had “never seen this problem”, I wish I had the call records or that this was done in writing/email, sigh another mistake. Lol