This month I can finally leave my extortionate Verizon contract, I’m getting a new SIM card to get service with another ISP, now how can I ensure to keep my previous old phone number that Verizon assigned me 7 years ago?

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      FCC blocks Tor so I can’t see the page, but I just wanted to mention a hack if number porting is refused for some reason (based on @[email protected]’s hint that it could be): downgrade the vz contract to the full extent possible (ideally make it a prepaid acct if that’s possible, so you can nix the monthly fee). Then dial whatever magic code forwards your vz number to your new number.

  • @Yeno
    38 months ago

    Personally, even after using the “Can I transfer my number” checker with the new carrier and verifying my number can be transfered, Verizon refused to transfer my number when the time came.

    Something about local contracts between carriers that can only be checked when attempting the number transfer.

    • Blaster M
      8 months ago

      Nonsense. It’s in the rules that you can transfer. You need to authenticate to port out your number, such as get a port-out code from Verizon. Make sure all the porting info is exactly correct on the new carrier so they can be good. If there really is a dumb reason, then you can simply port out to a different prepay provider (page plus, boom! are two that run on Verizon’s Network), then port to the carrier you intend to be on.

      • @Yeno
        28 months ago

        Yeah suspected I was being lied to and probably should have fought harder and should have done a lot more preemptively. I really shouldn’t have made purchasing choices based on the “Can I transfer” website thing, that’s my bad. I even had my new carrier conference call Verizon with me to try to have the number transfered. According to the agents they had “never seen this problem”, I wish I had the call records or that this was done in writing/email, sigh another mistake. Lol