This is very, very niche, but I couldn’t think of a more suitable place so I’ll give it a go.

In the US, brand name medications are outrageously priced. There are deals between payors (PBM/Medicare) and manufacturers that look like this:

Sticker price $20,000/mo minus negotiated insurance payment of $15,000 theoretically leaves pt on the hook for $5.000/mo, BUT…

Manufacturer graciously offers a “coupon” / discount card, which covers a max of $4,995.00, leaving pt with a net responsibility of $5.00/month.

These are convenient numbers to work with, but closely resemble the pricing and coverage structure of a long-term medication I take.

The coupon never results in zero pt responsibility, always leaving some negligible amount due. Invariably, it’s exactly enough money to be a huge pain in everyone’s ass and to make no meaningful difference to anyone involved in the transaction. $5.00 and $9.00 are amounts I see frequently.

Getting to the actual question, why bother?

Seriously, I wasted a half hour of my life waiting on hold to schedule a refill on a specialty med that can only be filled from a single central pharmacy and shipped, to be told that a) they somehow didn’t charge card on file for the $5.00 last month, and b) can’t schedule next shipment until I pay the all-important five bucks. Didn’t have a card close at hand, had to call back later so they could extract their couple dollars and then schedule the next round.

It literally costs them more in toll free charges, infrastructure fixed costs, and salaries to collect that money than they make from it.

I assume the answer is something along the lines of “personal responsibility” and someone in Congress having a stroke over the idea of someone getting medicine for “free,” but I’ve been unable to substantiate that.

Convinced there is a reason, probably buried in a 10,000 page CMS policy manual, because the mfg coupon literally never brings the price to zero. See, e.g., DTC drug commercials referencing “pay as little as $x a month!”

  • @bitchkat
    8 months ago

    You know that when you fill a prescription you can’t just say “Hey throw in a second vial, will ya?”. Usually if you go in person to a pharmacist, you will get a 1 month supply. If you use your insurances mail order pharmacy, they will typically send you a 90 day supply.

    • @NateNate60
      18 months ago

      Not every drug is filled by prescription

      • @bitchkat
        18 months ago

        Yes there are OTC medications but that isn’t the issue being discussed. OP is clearly discussing prescription medications. “wasted a half hour … on hold to schedule a refill”.

        • @NateNate60
          18 months ago

          It’s still the same logic, with some small modifications. The co-pay makes OP consider whether they really need the drugs or whether they can go without them.

          Don’t forget, I’m just explaining the thinking of a for-profit insurance company here

          • @bitchkat
            18 months ago

            There is no co-pay with OTC medication. You grab it off the shelf, take it to the register and pay for it. Insurance companies loved when allergy meds went OTC because they no longer had to pay for them.

            • @NateNate60
              8 months ago

              The comment you replied to is about prescription drugs

              • @bitchkat
                18 months ago

                Cmon, you said 'not every drug is filled by prescription". I suggest you think about what you want to say and try again. Because right now you’re going in circles and making no sense.

                • @NateNate60
                  18 months ago

                  I did. I admitted you were right so I changed to talk about prescription drugs again.