• @[email protected]
    -2410 days ago

    The US wasn’t even close to the worst offender when it came to imperialism or colonialism though. In fact we were quite bad at it, and actively stood against it for much of our history. The US actually played a big role in getting the European powers to give up their colonial claims after WW2.

    • @[email protected]
      3910 days ago

      This is just a quick list I can think off the top of my head: the trail of tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, fighting Mexico to gain the west coast, fighting Spain to gain the Philippines, Florida, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, deposing democratically elected governments in Central and South America for cheaper bananas, isolating Cuba from the rest of the world when it turned communist but still keeping possession of Guantanamo Bay, putting down the Boxer Rebellion in China, invading Middle Eastern countries for their oil, fighting the communists in Korea and Vietnam, deposing the Hawaiian government and then annexing it for cheaper pineapples, and leveraging its position at the end of WWII to solidify its hegemony throughout the world via the petrodollar. I’m sure there are plenty of other things I’ve forgotten. The only other imperial power that would compare is England up until WWII.

      • @JustAnotherRando
        10 days ago

        Britain (which you mentioned), France, and Spain all have pretty awful imperial histories too. Not saying that to diminish the atrocities of the US by any means, but let’s not pretend the rest of Europe didn’t get up to some bullshit.

      • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
        10 days ago

        fighting the communists in Korea and Vietnam

        I would add dropping most of the bombs left over from WWII (literally!) on Vietnam’s neighbors because reasons.

        The only other imperial power that would compare is England up until WWII.

        This is underselling Spain which wreaked havoc in the Americas (and elsewhere - like the Philipines) for centuries before they got supplanted by us in the havoc-wreaking department.

      • @[email protected]
        10 days ago

        A lot of this firehose is pretty marginal. The Boxer rebellion for example, the US was a minor player. Puerto Rico won self rule via the US fighting the Spanish so it’s kind of weird to quote both. Also Spain is in NATO. Korea was a UN action. Hawaiians voted to become a state to escape the plantation owners from imposing new feudalism. Nobody is saying the US is without sins but these pale in comparison to things the major European powers did.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      410 days ago

      The US wasn’t even close to the worst offender when it came to imperialism or colonialism

      LOL, what a super apologist argument.

      • @StupidBrotherInLaw
        510 days ago

        Seriously. Here’s a map of US military installations across the world, plus the US has a stranglehold on large portions of South America. They may not treat everyone as poorly as the British did, but they sure love to kill brown people to get their natural resources.

        • @Veneroso
          910 days ago

          Not going to defend America. We’ve done a lot of terrible things.

          But when it comes to our military bases? Just imagine the world if we weren’t there.

          It wouldn’t be a utopia. I guarantee that the regional power in that area would be grinding those people under their heels.

          Especially the Emu. They faught a war against them. The Emu won.

          Do you really want to live in a world with Emu hegimony!?


          • @[email protected]
            410 days ago

            Especially the Emu. They faught a war against them. The Emu won.

            Do you really want to live in a world with Emu hegimony!?

            Damn, I this is not what I expected

            • @Veneroso
              410 days ago

              The raptors from Jurassic Park clearly took inspiration from the Emu. It’s probably where the “farting into a Pringles can” growls came from .

              These are basically dinosaurs of today…

            • @Veneroso
              110 days ago

              Not sure if I want to find out.

              While you’re dodging the beak, they’re treating you asunder!

        • @[email protected]
          39 days ago

          The US Military is in those countries at the invitation of those country’s governments. Yup, even Iraq could tell the US to leave, and it’s a contentious issue there whether or not they should. But like many countries on that map there’s concerns that a neighbouring country might cause problems if the US leaves. And the countries that don’t fall under that category are allies.

          • @StupidBrotherInLaw
            13 days ago

            The US Military is in those countries at the invitation of those country’s governments.

            If you actually believe that, I have a bridge you may be interested in purchasing.

          • @Buddahriffic
            39 days ago

            And how many of those governments are only in power because they are backed by US military power, otherwise their population would have removed them? Or were put into power by the US in the first place (either with direct military intervention or indirect military, intelligence, and covert op support)?

        • @MehBlah
          210 days ago

          Its a map with red spots. I didn’t know we controlled the UK or Australia? You are really stretching the idea of imperialism or colonialism to include where the US has bases. Ironically counter to your statement the map has very little of south america in red. Also or a another point of humor your map doesn’t include Liberia. A country the US took over and dumped as many former slaves as they could there. One of main proponents of this action was Abraham Lincoln. Who preferred shipping former slaves back there rather than they remain in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberia

          Truth is the UK is responsible for more independence days around the world than any other nation. There is a meme about it


          • @StupidBrotherInLaw
            10 days ago

            I don’t get what your point is. Your comment is primarily disjointed, rambling criticism. Are you just doing the ol’ Reddit “I have nothing useful or interesting to add to this conversation, so I’m just going to criticize some comments so I can feel better about myself”?

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      10 days ago

      An appeal to hypocrisy doesn’t hold water here. Also, getting the Europeans to get rid of their colonial claims opened those former colonies up to our economic and strategic exploitation. There was nothing altruistic about it.

      • @undergroundoverground
        29 days ago

        Ikr? As if anyones trying to dress up “removing the competition” as a good or noble act.