• @[email protected]
    379 months ago

    Meanwhile in Germany: Houses still getting copper internet cables this year (and probably the next 10 too).

    • Björn Tantau
      339 months ago

      Thanks, Kohl.

      Literally. For those who don’t know it was Helmut Kohl (chancellor during the reunification) who stopped a 30-year project to lay fiber throughout Germany to instead favour copper wires to help his old pal Leo Kirch build up a private TV network to rival the mostly left leaning public broadcast. And I thought one of his family members owned a copper plant or so but I wasn’t able to find an article about that.

      • Not a replicant
        209 months ago

        Same in Australia. The libnats (right-leaning) broke the fibre-optic rollout by claiming it would be too expensive, and replaced it in non-metro areas with wireless, claiming 25Mbps was adequate. They didn’t mention that slow internet would benefit the Murdoch -owned Foxtel satellite services. And here we are now with internet services worse than some poorer countries.

        I chose Starlink because I will never get fibre optic, my only broadband option is geo-synch satellite, with speed and data caps, and 600ms latency.

    • @disconnectikacio
      9 months ago

      you can’t expect more from T aka DT… Here in budapest i could only get copper cable T net, if the romanian (Digi) wouldn’t give us optical cable (however orban already chased them away, so i expect worse, since orban’s firm which bought their network, doubled the subscription price in 1 year).