The article is short, so worth the read, but here’s the TL;DR:

  1. Commercial Breaks
  2. No Opening Statements
  3. Muted microphones, no notes
  4. No Live Audience
  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    He won’t get to say that though. His mic will be muted until it’s his time to speak. If he tries that and walks out, he looks weak and looking weak is about the only thing that will turn his cult of republikkklowns against him. He can’t show up, if he shows up, he’ll look weak. He’ll blame the liberal media before hand and not show.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      He’ll only look weak to people who live in reality. If Obama would have been accused of a felony, Trump’s base would have been up in arms about him running for president. Trump has been convicted of multiple felonies and it’s a rally cry for his campaign.

      Bizzarro world is here.