• Veraxus
    793 months ago

    Oh look, the illegitimate, anti-democracy terrorist organization that is SCOTUS is just making things up out of whole cloth to protect one of their own.

    If Congress won’t put them in their place, it’s time for the People to do it.

    • @Adalast
      53 months ago

      Republicans are just waiting for lefties to revolt. A. it gives them an excuse to call us dangerous and use it to imprison or execute us without trials. B. they think they will win whatever war they have planned so they can point to the good men pushed too far and call them radical antifa terrorists in the history books. C. they think that just because they have guns they are safe. They forget that those guns were designed by engineers, many of whom are likely very left leaning if we follow stereotypes. Hell, most all of the things modern conservatives love today were invented by leftists. Hell, Jesus is about as far to the left as you can be. What that also means is we have the knowhow and means to fuck shit up in ways they can’t even imagine. The left built the nuclear bomb, y’all can’t even build a functional wall.