• @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    You’ve already given up the benefit of the doubt by admitting you’d vote fascist. I simply don’t believe the honesty of your promises.

    • @dragontamer
      3 months ago

      So you’re going to kill this discussion with me just because you don’t like my opinion? Cool. Lets see how that plays out this year. Its a fucking election year, get used to hearing people’s opinions you don’t like.

      People will vote one way or the other on this issue. With any luck the Democrats put a good moderate on board who can keep my vote (as well as the Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia voters). Biden vs Trump already was looking sketchy before you progressives literally destroyed your best chance at beating Trump.

      And suddenly, you’re blaming me for your own mistake… because I have the audacity to try to talk with you and share my opinion.

      I’m sorry, that I’m not sorry.

      In any case, Trump needs to be defeated, so I’m going to stay loud about my message. Yall progressives can’t Occupy Wall Street into Republican wins again this year. This is too important for me to stay silent. You fucking dumbasses are destroying your own election chances as we speak, and its best if I pointed out this before its too late. (And yall have done it before, and you’re doing it again).

      If you really are going to switch candidates this late in the game, then for the love of god please put someone I can vote for (and other voters like me). That’s all I’m asking. Don’t lose the anti-Trump Republican vote over this self-defeating move you all seem intent upon inflicting upon yourselves. Please be at least a little bit politically expedient about the situation?

      FYI: “Hey Fascist” is so passe it was in the Barbie last year. Its a bad argument now. Come up with a new one. You’ve been calling Republicans Fascists for 8 years now, the phrase has lost its effect. You’ll need to try harder if you actually want to convince people or surprise us.

        • @dragontamer
          3 months ago

          For fucks sake man, I’m here to try to help you beat Trump

          You’re lucky I’m not easily discouraged. But your attitude about this is quite wrong.

          Everyone else in this topic: you see the problem with your rhetoric or strategy yet? Let’s point out what does and doesn’t work here.

            • @dragontamer
              3 months ago

              Dude, your insult is so fucking old that there’s literally movies making fun of your insult.

              It don’t work very well when you spam the insult for 8 fucking years. Yes, liberals think everyone they disagree with are fascists. You’re not making news here. Your overuse of the phrase is not helping.

              Seriously, protip. I’m trying to help you here. I don’t care if you ignore me, because eventually you’ll get it. I’ve just got to push you so you are at least introduced to this concept of overuse of a phrase.