• @redisdead
    3 months ago

    Felon = already shown they aren’t normal human beings fit for society. I’m not going to trust my property to a known criminal, when I can easily get someone who’s normal.

    • @PunnyName
      333 months ago

      Eh. That itself is a slippery issue, especially for the wrongfully convicted. Not to mention, if they do their time, they should no longer be punished.

      There’s only a very small minority of truly heinous humans who should be locked away forever.

      • @redisdead
        -433 months ago

        I genuinely don’t care. If I have the choice between felon and a not felon, I’ll go with the not felon every day. It’s the easiest choice I’ll make in my life.

        If they didn’t want to deal with the issues caused by being a felon, they should not have committed felonies. Simple as.

        • @PunnyName
          3 months ago

          Okay, yeah, fuck off with your bullshit.

          Our system is stupid, and you can’t recognize that, because you’re probably equally so.

          Until you understand that our justice system is beyond flawed and systemically problematic, your opinion should be considered less than dirt.

          • @redisdead
            3 months ago

            Vast majority of people manage to not become felons by not committing felonies

            Out of lm the people who are convicted felons, I don’t think I’m wrong thinking those who are wrongly convicted are an insignificant minority

            Sucks to be them, but I won’t try my luck on the absolute minimal off chance they weren’t a criminal.

            If you don’t want to deal with the baggage that comes with being a felon, don’t commit felonies. It’s not hard, plenty of people manage to do it.

            I filter potential tenants and it’s served me well. I never had to do huge repairs or anything on any of my rentals.

            Most of my idealistic buddies who believe they operate a charity can’t say the same.

            • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
              143 months ago

              Damn, reading this comment chain I kept thinking you couldn’t be worse and each response you amaze me. You’re an asshole and imo you’re likely doing more harm to society than felons who make it out and just want to find work and shelter. Have some empathy

              • @Jiggle_Physics
                123 months ago

                They are a landlord, why would you expect them to be anything but this?

                That is, if this person isn’t just making that up, and isn’t just some edgy loser on the internet.

                • @Maalus
                  -103 months ago

                  They are a felon, why would you expect them to be anything but rapists, murderers or pedophiles? You don’t want to assume anything about a felon, but assumptions about landlords are somehow fine

                  • @[email protected]
                    23 months ago

                    You and the landlord have just been found guilty by a jury of your peers of being absolute jackasses, far beyond a reasonable doubt.

                  • @Jiggle_Physics
                    03 months ago

                    You aren’t even insightful enough to know when your logic is being turned against you as a rhetorical device.

              • @redisdead
                -143 months ago

                Sorry, I’m not willing to house rapists, murderers and pedophiles. Feel free to invest a significant portion of your time and money to do so if you wish to. Tell me how it goes for you.

                Actually don’t, I’ve seen what happens when people do.

            • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
              73 months ago

              Even whistleblower are considered felons in some places. Guess they’re same as murderers in your fucked up eyes.

              • @redisdead
                -103 months ago

                Ah yes, because one guy out of a million might not deserve it, I should seek to house rapists, murderers and pedophiles.

                Y’all have a strange sense of priorities.

                Look, don’t be a felon. It’s not hard. Plenty of people are not.

    • @Mango
      63 months ago

      For trusting the lying broken system that wonderfully convicted literally myself, YOU are not fit for society. You see everything that is happening and you still have blind faith in authority? What a fuckup. People like you are downright dangerous.

      • @redisdead
        -103 months ago

        I don’t have blind faith in it, I’m sure there are some people who don’t deserve it.

        However, I’m also sure they’re an insignificant minority. I’m not going to lose sleep over you thinking I should give drug dealers, rapists, murderers and pedophiles a thought on the 0.0000001% chance one of them was wrongfully convicted.

        I’m sure that makes me a dangerous person, far more dangerous than drug dealers, rapists, murderers and pedophiles lmao.

        • @Mango
          73 months ago

          Wrong again. I’m not an insignificant minority. My case is standard procedure and they make that VERY clear. They use stories and words like 'pedophile ’ and ‘murderer’ to make people like you forget about looking any closer. You believe the charge simply because they say so and their victims get zero support that way. Labels are meant for handling people. Putting a label on someone is announcing how they should be treated.

          You’re a monster who supports monsters.

          • @redisdead
            3 months ago

            Sucks to be you, but I don’t see why I should jeopardize my investment because of one or two edge cases out of a million.

            I’m not going to investigate the criminal history of every single felon when there’s perfectly fine non-felons hanging around looking to rent a place.

            It’s basic common sense.

            Kind of like when you’re choosing between two people to hire, they’re equal in all and every thing, except one of them has full face gangsta tattoos. Guess who gets the job?

            • @Mango
              43 months ago

              It doesn’t suck to be me. It sucks to live in a world with people like you. I’m not an edge case. I was picked up and slapped with fake charges because I was caught living in my car and therefore not funding the owner class. I’m not an edge case. This is standard practice. We have the absolute highest incarceration rate because they’re profiteering from it and even worse, they’re attacking their political opposition.

              The face full of gangster tattoos is dramatically more telling than a criminal record. The criminal record is much more likely to be fake. The face tattoos are a self announcement. Tell me though, what do you do when the tattoo guy says he was forced to get them?

              I do understand that it’s difficult and impractical to vet people without an external reference, but the United States “criminal justice system” is an absolute garbage external reference.

              Worth noting here that I’m not defending Trump if that needs said.

              • @redisdead
                03 months ago

                Again, sucks to be you, but when I put my place up for rent and there is a felon in the applications, opposed to 10 non felons, it goes right in the bin.

                Feel free to invest your time, money and effort into buying a place, fixing it up and renting it to fellow felons if you’re so inclined.

                Tell me how it goes.

    • @AeonFelis
      23 months ago

      That’s a free-rider problem. As an individual, you don’t want to rent to a convicted criminal. But as a society, we want criminals that served their time to be able to rent, because if they can’t they’ll be forced to squat, which will increase the probability they’ll continue to do more crimes (they already broke the law by squatting), so we do want people to rent to them.

      • @redisdead
        03 months ago

        If society wants to host convicted felons then society can pay for it.

        I’ll be more than willing to host them if I am guaranteed the refund of any and all damage they create, and the ability to remove them from my property whenever I want.

        In the meantime, as long as I’m on the hook for damages caused by a bad tenant and I don’t have the legal right to evict a bad tenant on a moment’s notice, then I will filter out convicted felons, and other risky tenants.

        It’s easy to say ‘you should do this thing’ when you have no skin in the game.

        • @Mango
          13 months ago

          You have no skin in the game. You’re literally a rent seeker. Get fucked Mr Lord and then everyone else can afford to buy houses and maintain their own space again.

          • @redisdead
            03 months ago

            I have skin in the game. These places I rent didn’t fall on my lap. I work hard to afford them and I am on the hook if someone trashed the place or just decided to stop paying rent.

            All the apartments I bought to rent were available on the same market everyone else had access to.

            In fact, I specifically seek out places that have been on the market for so long I can massively lowball the seller and get away with it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

            The key though, is to actually work towards a goal instead of mindlessly flipping burgers for $7 an hour.

            • @Mango
              13 months ago

              You don’t work. You play with the kind of money that even a QA manager like myself will never have. Only the people who own the business get that money because you’re all leeches who grant yourself the ability to decide who gets what.

              Watch your back.

              • @redisdead
                3 months ago

                Lmao I wish I didn’t work, I’d love to get the 48 hours I spent at the mill last week back.

                Maybe get a job that pays better.

                Improve your life instead of bitching at the people who do.

                If you’re a qa manager, you should be making enough money to afford a reasonable place at a reasonable cost. The fact you can’t tells me everything I need to know about you.

                Don’t need to watch my back when lazy mfs like you are the threat.

                Edit: lmao bro posts in porn subs.

                • @Mango
                  13 months ago

                  You’re not improving your life by working. Your improving your life by being a leech.

                  I can afford a reasonable place at these unreasonable costs, but I can’t afford to become a leech.

                  • @redisdead
                    03 months ago

                    I bet you pay for onlyfans lmao