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It is reversing a ban on oil and gas drilling, and is proposing a “fast-track” for big projects, including mines, that bypasses environmental checks. It has cut climate programs and jobs, scrapped electric vehicle subsidies, abandoned plans for one of the world’s largest marine sanctuaries and set aside a world-leading cow “burp” tax as it questions the science on methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

  • @tankplanker
    283 days ago

    There usually has to be a lever for the far right to use, usually rampant economic inequality. Ardern never really addressed the fucked up housing market in NZ, which was the perfect tax free investment vehicle for those with money. Deny people the right to get their own place and move on with adulthood and you have a pretty big lever that the far right can use to fenagle their corporate sponsored anti environment bullshit with a dash of fascism into power.

    • @[email protected]
      183 days ago

      This seems to be the story in many countries right now, unfortunately, and fascism has been on the rise globally for years.

      • @[email protected]
        42 days ago

        Almost as if certain governments and malefactors of great wealth were coordinating in promoting it.