Shit’s completely fucked. It’s time to stop denying the fucking obvious and change horses before we careen off a fucking cliff. I’m voting for whoever the d is, but I cannot see how Biden wins without some black swan. He’s not worth the risk.

  • @Buffalox
    3 months ago

    Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden by six percentage points among likely voters in a new national survey.

    USA has done phenomenally well on the economy lately, that used to count for something, but apparently not so much anymore.
    A lot of Americans are planning to vote for the ills of USA to get worse for some reason. They complain average people are not doing well, and then they plan to vote for the guy who is all in for the 1% over everything else? The guy who will gladly dismantle every shred of workers rights, from the party who is absolutely fine with full time work that doesn’t even earn a living wage! Who will do absolutely nothing to make things better for working people, but everything he can to cut taxes for the rich.

    Is it time to sell if you have American stock?
    It seems to me to be pretty risky now. Could this end in a civil war over there?

    Ah well USA will get the government they elect, maybe a 2nd term with Trump will make some people wake up. But I doubt it, just look at WW2 Germany, the Nazi regime had to be toppled from outside, but there is nobody to do that with USA.

    So if Trump wins, I will not be surprised if we get decades of fascist dictatorship in USA.
    If things are not looking better when we reach August, I will sell my American stock, and I think everybody who doesn’t is naive in thinking a new term with Trump will end well.

    when fascism comes to America it will be “wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”