• @[email protected]
    343 months ago

    Sure, but Trump didn’t sound like he was lost at the grocery store. Most of what Trump said was nonsense he made up on the spot but he said it with confidence. Trump knows his supporters won’t fact check him; Biden is burdened with the truth. It’s not fair but we unfortunately need someone who can spar with Trump on stage. If someone flusters Trump on stage he will spiral out of control.

    • @[email protected]
      533 months ago

      Out of two old men, I would prefer a bald man with a stutter who’s burdened by truth, than a bald man who’s such a compulsive liar he can’t remember which lie he told which group.

      • @Psychodelic
        323 months ago

        Great could you convince the rest of the nation or are we just taking about you here?

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          Never will get the point of infighting in politics, if one sides willing to ignore the faults of their candidate, why in the world would you risk losing for pride and principle? It’s cutting off your nose to spite your face.

          • @Psychodelic
            103 months ago

            You didn’t get it. Sure I’ll vote for Biden but what in the world makes you think the average American will? Most Americans are legit illiterate (and as racist and greedy as can be).

            I swear some people seem to legit have no idea what’s going on in this country or who our fellow citizens and noncitizens are

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Bingo bingo bingo bingo BINGO

              Dems be bringing a paper straw to a lightsabre fights and somehow we’re the bad people for mentioning we’d like a candidate that could win

            • @[email protected]
              03 months ago

              No I get it… just not sure why you think running around in a public forum exclaiming like a chicken with its head cut off will accomplish anything but divisive panic. It’s like throwing gas on a fire, and crying out you’ve been helping.

              • @Psychodelic
                03 months ago

                So we can’t even talk openly about our opinions if they disagree with the goals of the Democratic party? See we all have our lines. This is mine.

                Imo, politics isn’t won by hiding your true beliefs and, for lack of a better word, being fake. Maybe it did in the past, but I don’t think you can fool people that actually care.

                Based on your comments I would have to assume the things you say will always be filtered by your opinion of how it will impact the Democratic party, and I personally think that’s a terrible way to advocate for policies you support (unless you’re a politician, which in that case I could somewhat understand). I’m open to changing my mind, but I don’t think I’ve ever even heard an activist say something like that either

                • @[email protected]
                  33 months ago

                  I wasn’t aware you speaking down, demanding immediate acceptance of your opinion was a “discussion.” I am but a meek lowly NPC, unwilling to eat your golden apple, comrade.

      • @[email protected]
        -23 months ago

        That wasn’t a stutter.

        Describing it as such is such a “Don’t believe your lying eyes” comment that it does more to dissuade people from your viewpoint.

    • @njm1314
      163 months ago

      Trump sounds like he’s lost all the time. He constantly wanders into deranged tangents. Why do we have to pretend otherwise.

    • ALoafOfBread
      3 months ago

      Not saying he didn’t seem more “with it” or energetic or whatever, but he is basically just as old and makes even more gaffes - but people don’t care because he does it almost non-stop.

      There are plenty of people talking about Biden as if he’s the crypt keeper and Trump as if he’s a stunning specimen of youth and vitality, which is just silly.

    • @thesporkeffect
      -83 months ago

      What happened is team Trump caught Biden with the drug test business. Trump got a full syringe of Executive Juice and Biden opted out from personal pride or fear there would be a surprise piss test sprung on him.

      (I don’t have insider knowledge but this seems pretty likely based on what we all saw)