• @BassTurd
    473 months ago

    Flipping the candidate 4-5 months before the election is the dumbest fucking idea. Other than the obvious legal battles and terrible optics, the logistics of getting a unified candidate and get that information out to the public before the election is impossible.

    Sen Mark Warner might as well be a Republican for attacking the Dem candidate. It won’t do anything good, it will fail, and it will be used to attack Biden going forward. Being critical and shooting yourself and country in the face don’t have to be the same thing.

    • @TropicalDingdongOP
      223 months ago

      Sen Mark Warner might as well be a Republican

      I would say that any one suggesting the Democrats stick with a candidate polling in the low thirties might as well be a Republican.

      Republicans need the Democrats to stick with Biden. They literally are fucked if the Democrats pick almost any other candidate. 70% of Americans think Biden is mentally unfit to be President.


      Thats an insane number. Biden is over. He can’t win with numbers like that.

      There aren’t going to be any legal battles and its going to be the best earned media the Democrats will ever get in the history of the party if they go to a contested convention. The presidential election is nothing at all like a smaller regional race. Whoever ends up being the candidate will get literally billions of dollars in earned media by simply “becoming” the candidate. The whole drama of it suddenly engages what is currently a completely disengaged voting populace.

      So no.

      • @[email protected]
        153 months ago

        Whoever ends up being the candidate will get literally billions of dollars in earned media by simply “becoming” the candidate. The whole drama of it suddenly engages what is currently a completely disengaged voting populace.

        This is the most important bit IMO.

        At this point, I don’t even think of dumping Biden as just a satisfactory fallback position, but as a winning strategy, and specifically for this reason.

        It’s not as if Biden suddenly became a weak candidate the night of the debate - he’s been a weak candidate all along. As I just said earlier, the only thing that changed with the debate is that more people came to that conclusion.

        And all it would take to motivate the base - to get Democrats enthused in a way that they haven’t been since 2008 - is to throw open the nomination. That would bring the race a sense of excitement and hope that hasn’t just been missing since the debate, but all along.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          63 months ago

          At this point, I don’t even think of dumping Biden as just a satisfactory fallback position, but as a winning strategy, and specifically for this reason.

          I see it as a prerequisite for victory.

          It’s not as if Biden suddenly became a weak candidate the night of the debate - he’s been a weak candidate all along.

          The debate just made it undeniable. The excuses for his performance at the debate have been even more embarrassing.

          • @Dkarma
            -23 months ago

            Name one time…just one where replacing the incumbent 5 months from the general election worked.

            This is not just a dumb idea, but people who think like this simply do not have a fucking clue how politics works.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              3 months ago

              Name one time we ran an 81 year old who brags about beating Medicare.

              We’re already dealing with an unprecedented situation.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          I agree with just about everything you say, but I have one question:

          And all it would take to motivate the base - to get Democrats enthused in a way that they haven’t been since 2008 - is to throw open the nomination. That would bring the race a sense of excitement and hope that hasn’t just been missing since the debate, but all along.

          What do you mean by “throw open,” exactly?

          I would love a real second primary with an array of candidates not all of whom were preselected by the billionaires. And a large inclusive debate or two. Is that what you are suggesting?

          Or maybe you mean let the billionaires and their purchased Dem elites make a selection for us in a smoke filled room behind closed doors?

          • @[email protected]
            53 months ago

            I would love a real second primary with an array of candidates not all of whom were preselected by the billionaires. And a large inclusive debate or two. Is that what you are suggesting?


            Sorry - I thought “throw open” was a commonly understood phrase.

            It means to open something suddenly and completely - no incremental stages and no limitations - just immediately from closed to fully and completely open.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              I know what the phrase means but I didn’t dare to believe such an optimistic soul could exist. You proved my doubts were unwarranted.

              Very cool, and I support your idea 120%! I believe it is possible because the DNC just routinely makes up rules on the go, so nothing’s stopping them from opening a second primary. I would be super interested if it were a truly open and a properly democratic primary.

        • @TropicalDingdongOP
          13 months ago

          At this point, I don’t even think of dumping Biden as just a satisfactory fallback position, but as a winning strategy, and specifically for this reason.


          It’s not as if Biden suddenly became a weak candidate the night of the debate - he’s been a weak candidate all along. As I just said earlier, the only thing that changed with the debate is that more people came to that conclusion.


          And all it would take to motivate the base - to get Democrats enthused in a way that they haven’t been since 2008 - is to throw open the nomination. That would bring the race a sense of excitement and hope that hasn’t just been missing since the debate, but all along.

          and 100%.

          Drop Biden and claim the W. Give us someone we can vote for and we will.

          • @Dkarma
            03 months ago

            Or just vote for the guy who has had win after win after political win for years now.

            Have you all been living under a rock? Policy wise Biden is killing it!

            We already knew he was old. Nothing has changed.

      • El Barto
        3 months ago

        Edit: downvoted by Russian agents.


        I would like to know how they reached to this number.

        Because it surely isn’t out of all Americans.

        Source: nobody polled me or my friends.

        Edit: not all Americans, as you claimed in your comment. All voting Americans; and my claim still stands. Nobody asked me or my friends.

        Edit 2: The same poll asked if Trump is a liar. Almost 70% said yes. Compared to almost 60% saying that Biden is a liar. I’m very suspicious of polls these days.

        Edit 3: to be clear, I also believe that Trump is a liar. Just that the Biden numbers are suspiciously too high.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          53 months ago

          Edit: downvoted by Russian agents.

          The McCarthyist paranoia act is getting old.

        • @ripcord
          13 months ago

          “Anyone who disagrees with me must be a bot!!”

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Worse… making a public campaign to make biden withdraw, even if not successful, is a terrible idea.

      Honestly, the worst possible thing for the left.

      Not only a lame duck candidate, but public infighting to undermine support.

      • @Dkarma
        33 months ago

        Is the left in the room with you right now?

        There is no left.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      I think a shotgun primary could really fire up the base. Let the new faces promise things that get people excited to vote instead of this grim responsibility we’re feeling now

    • @Ensign_Crab
      -13 months ago

      Sen Mark Warner might as well be a Republican for attacking the Dem candidate.

      BoTh SiDeS!!!

    • @ashok36
      3 months ago

      Running an 84 year old incumbent is the dumbest idea. Switching him out four months before the election when it’s clear to everyone he’s not up to the task is the second dumbest idea.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          -13 months ago

          And once again, the “everyone to my left is all the way to my right” bullshit.