A center-left group in the U.S. sees a valuable lesson in the landslide victory of Britain’s Labour Party after nearly 15 years in the political wilderness.

The centrist Democrat think tank Third Way argues in a memo obtained Friday by POLITICO that Labour’s sweeping win shows that “centrism wins elections” and can undercut right-wing populism by appealing to the broadest segment of the population with a credible platform.

  • ✺roguetrick✺OP
    3 months ago

    And while 34% is a few percentage points lower than other recent winners, the more centrist party, lib dems, got more votes than the previous election.

    Sure, but Corbyn’s labour got 32.2 and 40.0 compared to this 33.7 “landslide.” And Corbyn won his seat even though he’s an independent. I don’t particularly find the centrist strategy to be a very compelling result compared to that.

    • @ForgotAboutDre
      23 months ago

      The tories lost, Stamer won because tory voters split between Lib Dem’s, Reform and other.

      • ✺roguetrick✺OP
        43 months ago

        You listen to the liberals backing labor’s change they’ll say it’s because labor picked up Tory voters in key races while losing voters in “safe” races while cherry picking results to demonstrate.

        I’ve yet to be convinced of that line of thinking though and I’m much of the same opinion as you. Nobody elects a status quo party when shit is going south like it is right now. The Tories lost because they couldn’t help but put up shit policies. The neo-blairites will lose because they kept those shit policies.