I’m talking about this sort of thing. Like clearly I wouldn’t want someone to see that on my phone in the office or when I’m sat on a bus.

However there seems be a lot of these that aren’t filtered out by nsfw settings, when a similar picture of a woman would be, so it seems this is a deliberate feature I might not be understanding.


  • @atrielienz
    103 months ago

    That’s wonderful. But perception is everything. Could the HR lady walk past my desk, see me scrolling Lemmy and flipping through image after image of half nude cartoons? Is that still safe for work? I think you’ll find they feel the same about works of art in enough businesses that none of these images are safe for work. In an art gallery? Sure. In a dental office? Probably not.

    • ✺roguetrick✺
      3 months ago

      How can we be in the Fediverse and still have to fucking repeat this over and over.

      Curate your feed

      This isn’t an algorithmic driven platform. If you want to see what you’ll like, you gotta be proactive. Complaining about anime pictures from an anime community is just dumb.

      • @atrielienz
        3 months ago

        I curate my feed. However because of the lack of an algorithm I don’t get suggestions. This means that I (and likely others) scroll through the everything feed repeatedly.

        But I’ll do you one better. Lemmy doesn’t prevent users under the age of 18 from joining so long as they are 13 or older (just like other platforms). There’s a reason that most if not all websites curate for NSFW content, and it’s to make what the public can view with or without an account safe for children who are likely visiting those sites. That’s the reason Facebook won’t let you post half nude photos publicly. It’s the reason Reddit has NSFW tags. You’re preaching to the choir as far as users curating their content. NSFW tagging is literally a tool to use to curate the content you see. If your argument is that posters have no responsibility for what content they post that’s just logically wrong. No laws work that way. It’s literally why platforms aren’t being held liable for the misinformation spread by their users. I’m not complaining about random anime lewds. I’m pointing out that they are not safe for work. So they should be labeled as such since that is the status quo for not safe for work content. In the same way that a lot of content related to the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Palestine are labeled that way.

        If you’re gonna be stuck on what the user should be doing rather than treating all of these items the same as far as what they are then you’re gonna have a bad time because I’m not entertaining that. I curate my feed and I don’t scroll the Everything feed at work, but that doesn’t mean I think other users shouldn’t be able to.

      • @davidagain
        13 months ago

        I don’t think anyone in this thread is complaining about its existence on lemmy at all.

        Some people are suggesting that it should be marked as NSFW. If you don’t want to use NSFW tagging, that’s great, you be you and turn it all off in your settings, but please don’t shout at people who do want to use the NSFW tagging to help them curate their feed.

        If you disagree that this kind of image should be classified as NSFW because you want to use lemmy at work to view this kind of image but blur things that feature more explicit images, that’s fine. and you could express that calmly and positively, but shouting in the thread at people using a lemmy feature for its designed purpose seems like a really over the top reaction to me, particularly since the NSFW features are all completely optional for you.

        • ✺roguetrick✺
          33 months ago

          Implicitly, there is only one solution of puritanical situations and that’s to curate you feed.

          Is a post about how you should unionize NSFW in this strange argument? Who knows. Do you live somewhere that showing ankles is only made as a prurient interest? Good luck friend!

          If you scroll though the all feed enough, you’re going to find plenty of things that aren’t socially acceptable in your own mind.

          • @davidagain
            03 months ago

            But I’d like the Not Suitable For Work feature to filter posts that are not suitable for work. It’s curation, just a different way to your preferred way. If you don’t want to use the NSFW features, just turn them off. No need to be cross about it. It’s in settings.

            (Your point about ankles is badly made, in my view. I think you were arguing the point that because there’s no objective speed that separates slow from fast, there’s no difference between slow and fast, but that doesn’t make sense in the real world. It might be hard to judge sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I should be shouted at for advocating an opinion on voluntary speed limits!)

      • @kaffiene
        13 months ago

        Doesn’t work though. I have blocked communities that produce a lot of nsfw material but they keep popping up It’s wackamole

    • @[email protected]
      -33 months ago

      That’s entirely my whole point!

      Lemmy has no way of knowing that. Moderators have no way of knowing that.

      The only one capable of deciding what is suitable for your current specific environment is you!

      It’s impossible to define a one size fits all NSFW tag, and it shouldn’t be up to the content provider to do so.

      What to browse and when is and should be entirely the responsibility of the user accessing the content.

      If you get caught browsing pictures that are unsuitable for whatever your current environment is, that’s on you for browsing a site that might have those pictures, and on no one else.

      Accept your responsibility and don’t try to switch the blame.

      • @atrielienz
        53 months ago

        Then nothing here on Lemmy should have an NSFW tag at all. But you know that doesn’t work. Because you can have a feed that’s completely fine and then scroll randomly and find a bunch of porn posts back to back. If you are posting content to a platform you are responsible for that content and what it shows. That’s literally why we have any tags.

        This is like arguing that because it’s legal to show graphic content of war or similar on the news it should be allowed with no warning on any website. There’s underaged people everywhere on the internet. Sites that have graphic content as the main content censor accordingly. Why is Lemmy any different?

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Then nothing here on Lemmy should have an NSFW tag at all.

          Yes, exactly, now you’re getting it!

          But you know that doesn’t work.

          Oh, no, you actually don’t. You actually think you’re making a point. 😞

          Because you can have a feed that’s completely fine and then scroll randomly and find a bunch of porn posts back to back.

          Yeah, that’s how lemmy works. And the internet as a whole, really, except for small pockets of it.

          Which is why it’s up to you to be aware of which sites are suitable for your current environment and which are not, and have the fucking self control and patience to wait until you’re in a suitable environment to browse the ones that aren’t.

          If you are posting content to a platform you are responsible for that content and what it shows.

          Sure, but I can’t be responsible for it being suitable or not in your current particular environment because there’s no objective way for me to know what is and isn’t suitable for you in your current specific circumstances.

          “NSFW” is entirely subjective, it changes from person to person, from place to place, and from minute to minute depending on each user’s current circumstances, and expecting the poster to predict all of these possibilities is absurd, profoundly stupid, and outright disingenuous.

          The only person who knows what might be suitable in YOUR current particular environment is YOU. It’s your fucking responsibility to know which sites might contain something that you’d consider unsuitable and avoid them until you’re in and environment where they’ll be suitable.

          Don’t try to shift the blame and responsibility for YOUR lack of self control onto the people who’re giving you free content and who have no possible way of knowing that you might find it unsuitable at a certain specific point in space and time.

          This is like arguing that because it’s legal to show graphic content of war or similar on the news it should be allowed with no warning on any website.

          Yes. And it should be allowed, that’s what legal fucking means! (And even if it isn’t legal in your particular shithole there’s probably some other where it is, so good luck trying to enforce that.)

          If some sites decide to not allow it, that’s perfectly fine (in lemmy’s particular case it’s up to the instances, I believe, and some might leave it to the communities), but it’s up to YOU to keep up with which ones do allow content you might consider unsuitable and which ones don’t.

          Sure, some might give you warnings for specific kinds of content as a courtesy, but you really have no way of knowing if their particular definitions of “NSFW” match yours because it’s an entirely subjective issue in which it’s impossible to reach a consensus, so it’s still up to you to check and make sure.

          There’s underaged people everywhere on the internet.

          Well, that’s up to their legal guardians. I’m certainly not their nanny, and neither are the lemmy admins, moderators, or posters. You really seem obsessed with shifting your responsibilities onto unrelated third parties, you should probably have that looked at.

          Sites that have graphic content as the main content censor accordingly.

          No they don’t. Have you ever visited a porn site…?

          Why is Lemmy any different?

          It’s not, that’s the point. Which is why you should treat it like any other site that might contain “NSFW” content AND NOT FUCKING USE IT AT WORK! Fuck. It’s not fucking rocket surgery. 🤦‍♂️

    • @Breezy
      -53 months ago

      If you’re scrolling through multiple photos of half nude anime girls back to back, i think you scrolled to much and should probably take a few hours break from lemmy.

      • @atrielienz
        23 months ago

        I either turn it off completely or I leave it censored. I’m not saying there aren’t options. I’m saying a work environment would not consider it to be safe for work so yes it should be censored with a NSFW tag. The everything tab sometimes is perfectly fine and other times has back to back posts like that. I have no control over that. Neither does anyone else.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I have no control over that. Neither does anyone else.

          YES YOU FUCKING DO! 🤦‍♂️

          Is someone forcing you to browse the everything tab at gunpoint, or blackmailing you into browsing it‽

          Because if not, you should have the self control to NOT FUCKING CLICK ON THE DAMN THING!

          If you know it might contain anything unsuitable for your current environment, just fucking WAIT to browse it until you’re in an environment where it will be suitable!

          It’s not fucking rocket surgery, for fuck’s sake, just have some fucking self control!

          Oh, it makes me mad!

          • @atrielienz
            33 months ago

            When I say I don’t have control over that, you know I mean that I am not in control of the feed or what is in it. Jesus. Can we not pretend that I am in control of what is posted to social media? Because you know this isn’t necessarily about self control. If it were news sites and broadcasters wouldn’t get in trouble for what they show.

            • @[email protected]
              03 months ago

              Again: No one is forcing you to use the damn site at work. You know the site might have content unsuitable for your work, therefore you should know you shouldn’t be browsing it at work. You can wait and do something else. Anything else. That’s all the control you need.

              And if you are unable to have this minimum amount of self control, then any consequences you suffer are entirely your fault and no one else’s. Don’t try to blame other people for your shortcomings.

              news sites and broadcasters wouldn’t get in trouble for what they show

              What in fuck’s name are you talking about? Other than probably you for being unable to stop browsing unsuitable content at work, who the fuck is getting in trouble?

              • @davidagain
                03 months ago

                Sounds like you want the NSFW tag removed altogether. I find it useful. You don’t. Change your settings to not blur NSFW posts and stop getting mad at people who use it.

          • @davidagain
            03 months ago

            You seem to be really cross about people wanting to use the completely optional Not Suitable For Work filtering and/or blurring features to help them curate their feed to make it Suitable For Work.

            I think you need to realise that not everyone on the internet has the same priorities as you, and if you want to only browse lemmy away from work and you want to see things folks consider NSFW then that’s great - go ahead. Absolutely fine. Just tick the boxes on your settings and then it literally doesn’t affect you at all. You can hand-curate your feed to your heart’s content.

            But please let those of us who want to use the optional NSFW feature use it in peace and please stop shouting at people who disagree with you.

            • @[email protected]
              33 months ago

              We’re on a thread about whether certain pictures should be marked “NSFW” or not.

              A subject on which, as is both obvious to anyone who doesn’t have their head up their own arse and evidenced by this very same thread, no agreement is possible. An objective demonstration of why this tagging nonsense not only doesn’t work, but can’t possibly ever work.

              You might as well be discussing about whether it’s better to use the western horoscope or the Chinese one to decide which threads are “suitable for work”.

              And I’m sorry, but this kind of wilful stupidly just fucking irks me to no end.

              • @davidagain
                03 months ago

                I don’t get your problem. You like to filter by community or whatever, and I like to use the NSFW filtering. We’re different. Why get cross about it?