If you haven’t heard of it, this island has a population that the world has collectively decided to leave alone, mostly because they have proven, on multiple occasions, that they absolutely do not want visitors. Like, arrow-to-death anyone attempting to land or even visit near their shores.

This probably cannot go on forever… but maybe, it could. Essentially, we are already implementing a ‘Prime Directive’ of sorts here. Would the 23rd, 24th, … centuries in Star Trek canon still have this little island on Earth, isolated from not just from Earth’s own unified Federation society, but from the greater Federation races? What steps would the Federation and Earth take to maintain their isolation and the ecosystem on which they depend?

Would make for an interesting episode, or at least a cool side-note reference in one :)

      • @ripcord
        13 months ago

        I don’t even remember what the original (wrong) link I had posted was that you were replying to here :). Sounds interesting

      • @elephantium
        03 months ago

        It’s ludicrous to describe a lone missionary as “storming the island by force”.

        I agree that it was a foolish move on his part, though.

        • @Confused_Emus
          13 months ago

          I’m aware he didn’t storm the island by force - I didn’t use those words. The implication was that he went where it was made abundantly clear he wasn’t wanted - more than once - and suffered the consequences.

          • @elephantium
            13 months ago

            The comment you responded to used those words, though.

            I’m surprised no one has demanded storming the island by force

            At least one idiot tried

            Re-reading it, I suppose you meant to invoke “something stupider” which does make sense. Carry on!

      • @ripcord
        3 months ago

        Ah jeeze. They have one of those stupid setups where if you scroll far enough you get to the next article transparently. And it actually changes the URL. I’d gotten to the end of tbe article I meant to post, but when I copied the URL it was for the next article.

        Fixed the link.

        • @radicalautonomy
          3 months ago

          Lol, I figured it was something like that. 😂 But romantic relationship style link was good stuff, too!