• @pjwestin
      88 months ago

      What he said was exactly right, though. Third-Way Democrats like Clinton started adopting conservative views on austerity and taxes to try and emulate Regan’s success. In order to keep distinguishing themselves from their Democratic rivals, Republicans kept adopting further right economic and social policies. The end result of that rightward lurch is Trump.

      “Waaaaaaaa someone gave me some additional historical context that contradicted my worldview!”

    • @givesomefucks
      -68 months ago

      If someone told you smoking 50 packs a cigarette a day could lead to lung cancer…

      Would you say they’re trying to defend cancer?

      Or do you think they’re stating a simple case of cause and effect?

          • @givesomefucks
            8 months ago

            Not expecting a real answer, but wanted to try:

            In America there’s two parties, but three groups of voters.


            1. Democratic

            2. Republican.


            1. Conservative
            2. Moderate
            3. Progressive

            For the groups, 1 and 2 always shit on 3.

            2 and 3 shit on 1.

            But if anyone from 3 says anything that isn’t unadulterated praise of 2…

            2 complains about “bOtH sIdES”.

            And when 1 shits on 2, 2 apologizes and acts more like 1


            Why are moderates not allowed to be criticized from the left? But when the right does it, they compromise with conservatives?

            Do you honestly think group three is only allowed to criticize group one? If so why?

        • @givesomefucks
          18 months ago

          Like, read the article again (for the first time) and tell me what the article says is the cause.

          They don’t.

          They just talk about how bad cancer is.