On P2P payments from their FAQ: “While the payment appears to be directly between wallets, technically the operation is intermediated by the payment service provider which will typically be legally required to identify the recipient of the funds before allowing the transaction to complete.

How about, no? How about me paying €50 to my friend for fixing my bike doesn’t need to be intermediated, KYCed, and blocked if they don’t approve of it or know who the recipient is? How about it’s none of the government’s business how I split the bill at dinner with friends? This level of surveillance is madness, especially coming from an app that touts “privacy” as a feature.

GNU Taler is a trojan horse to enable CBDC adoption. They are the friendly face to an absolutely terrifying level of government control in our lives funded by the same government that tries every year to implement chat control. Imagine your least favourite political party gaining power. Now imagine they can see and control every transaction you make. No thanks.

  • poVoq
    18 months ago

    Yes, and stable coins are all long known to be scams that are backed by nothing but empty promises.

    • FaceDeer
      28 months ago

      Some, maybe. And some fiat currencies are more stable than others too. There are stabletokens that are run using smart contracts where you can see the backing assets on-chain, those ones couldn’t scam you if they tried.

      • poVoq
        28 months ago

        You are completely delusional if you think the these smart contracts are backed by anything but other smoke and mirror coins. Those are literally automated scams; it’s all a bezzle.

        • FaceDeer
          28 months ago

          All you’re saying here is “nuh-uh! I don’t believe you!” Which isn’t particularly useful.

          I could dig up the addresses of MakerDAO or Liquity vaults, you could examine them directly using Etherscan and see which tokens back them. But I somehow get the impression that that would be a waste of my time. Is there literally anything that could convince you, before I go running around doing any further work trying?

          • poVoq
            28 months ago

            You are either so deep in the bezzle that there is no point in discussing this further or are actively involved in scamming others yourself. If it is the former, I feel sorry for you.