• @disguy_ovahea
    2 months ago

    Your comment illustrates how our broken news system is the reason why four months is an insufficient runway for candidate policy clarity.

    How do you consider Buttigieg a neoliberal? He wants to remove financial lobbying and stock trading permissions from Congress, create a nine Justice SCOTUS with three Democrat nominated Justices, three Republican, and three voted in by the previous six, his campaign raised $80M from small donations, and he endorsed the Green New Deal.

    Just because he’s not as progressive as AOC or Bernie, doesn’t mean he’s not a big step in the right direction.

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      Thinking back to 2019 iircc the only Democrat candidate of the ±15 that was more conservative than Biden/Harris was Bloomberg. -I guess you could also argue Gabbard but she opted to go a different direction altogether. Regardless, a lot of Democrat voters seem to be projecting their values onto Biden without evaluating him as he is and always has been. He’s never been particularly progressive.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        People forget that Biden was paired with Obama because Obama was seen as “too liberal” for “mainstream Democrats”. Biden was supposed to be a “correction” for Obama’s crazy ideas like the ACA (that was actually originally pushed for by, wait for it, Ronald fucking Reagan. The only difference was that Reagan didn’t propose any kind of public option, but that was the first thing Democrats killed in the name of “compromise”)

        • @njm1314
          22 months ago

          Yet Biden has been way more liberal than Obama.

            • @njm1314
              12 months ago

              He has. By literally every measure.

              • @[email protected]
                02 months ago

                Ok. I’ll let you believe what you want to I guess. Evidently Obama actively supported multiple genocides instead of passively supporting one.

                • @njm1314
                  12 months ago

                  Yes, that is also true. Glad you’re catching up.