I said a while back that I was gonna change my name due to my obscene displeasure with the final season but… nah. I’m Stamets. I love my lil gay boy and I love his lil gay family and I love the ship with the weirdly long nacelles.

  • NegativeNullM
    218 months ago

    All Star Trek live-action television series and films are and always have been generally considered part of the canon,[2] while Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Prodigy are both fully accepted as canonical as well.


    • Lem Jukes
      78 months ago

      Here’s my question, LDS makes direct references to TAS, does that have some transitive property magic that makes TAS canon or at least partly canon?

      • StametsOPM
        88 months ago

        It’s in flux. Some parts are canon and other parts are up in the air. Portions of it have been taken. One example is that the Enterprise wasn’t originally under the command of Pike but of Robert April, however he’s white in TAS and black in SNW. So the answer is sorta kinda not really maybe?